[clean-list] CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS)
Peter Höfner
Peter.Hoefner at nicta.com.au
Sun Jul 15 07:25:55 MEST 2012
13th International Conference on
Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS)
17--20 September 2012, Cambridge University, UK
The RAMiCS Conference is the main forum for Relational and Algebraic Methods
in Computer Science. Special focus lies on formal methods for software
engineering, logics of programs and links with neighbouring disciplines.
Programme Highlights
The conference features 2 tutorials, 3 invites talks, and 23
reviewed papers. There will also be five student papers
(see the call-for-student-papers on the conference web site).
* Tutorials
Dexter Kozen (Cornell University, USA)
Kleene Algebra with Tests.
Lawrence C. Paulson (Cambridge University, UK)
Tutorial on the Isabelle Theorem Prover.
* Invited Talks
Alexander Kraus (TU Munich, Germany)
Formalized Regular Expression Equivalence and Relation Algebra in Isabelle.
Peter O'Hearn (University College London, UK)
Towards an Axiomatic Approach to Concurrency.
Damien Pous (CNRS Grenoble, France)
Using Relation Algebraic Methods in the Coq Proof Assistant.
Registration closes 10 September 2012.
Programme Committee
Rudolf Berghammer (Kiel, Germany)
Jules Desharnais (Laval U., Canada)
Harrie de Swart (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Marc Frappier (Sherbroooke, Canada)
Hitoshi Furusawa (Kagoshima, Japan)
Timothy G. Griffin (Cambridge, UK; General Chair)
Peter Höfner (NICTA, Australia)
Ali Jaoua (Doha, Qatar)
Peter Jipsen (Chapman U., USA)
Wolfram Kahl (McMaster U., Canada; PC Chair)
Larissa Meinicke (U. Queensland, Australia)
Bernhard Möller (Augsburg, Germany)
Peter O'Hearn (Queen Mary U., UK)
José Nuno Oliveira (U.~Minho, Portugal)
Ewa Orłowska (Warsaw, Poland)
Matthew Parkinson (Microsoft Research, UK)
Damien Pous (CNRS Grenoble, France)
Holger Schlingloff (Berlin, Germany)
Gunther Schmidt (Munich, Germany)
Renate Schmidt (Manchester, UK)
Georg Struth (Sheffield, UK)
George Theodorakopoulos (Derby, UK)
Michael Winter (Brock U., Canada)
Steering Committee
Rudolf Berghammer (Kiel, Germany)
Jules Desharnais (Laval U., Canada)
Harrie de Swart (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Ali Jaoua (Doha, Qatar)
Bernhard Möller (Augsburg, Germany)
Ewa Orłowska (Warsaw, Poland)
Gunther Schmidt (Munich, Germany)
Renate Schmidt (Manchester, UK)
Michael Winter (Brock U., Canada)
Organising Committee
Timothy G. Griffin Conference Chair, Local Organiser
Wolfram Kahl PC Chair
Peter Höfner Publicity
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