[clean-list] FOOL 2012: Call for Papers
John Tang Boyland
boyland at pabst.cs.uwm.edu
Wed May 30 19:26:47 MEST 2012
------- Blind-Carbon-Copy
From: John Tang Boyland <boyland at pabst.cs.uwm.edu>
To: fool2012 at easychair.org
Subject: FOOL 2012: Call for Papers
Reply-to: boyland at uwm.edu
Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 12:26:47 -0500
Message-ID: <5685.1338398807 at pabst.cs.uwm.edu>
Sender: boyland at pabst.cs.uwm.edu
[Apologies for cross listings]
Call For Papers
19th International Workshop on
Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages
(FOOL 2012)
A Workshop of SPLASH (OOPSLA) 2012
Tucson, AZ, USA
Abstract August 5
Full Paper August 12
Notification September 7
Final Paper September 30
Workshop October 22
The search for sound principles for object-oriented languages has
given rise to much work during the past two decades, leading to a
better understanding of the key concepts of object-oriented languages
and to important developments in type theory, semantics, program
verification, and program development.
Submissions for this event are invited in the general area of
foundations of object-oriented languages. Topics of interest include
language semantics, type systems, memory models, program verification,
formal calculi, concurrent and distributed languages, database
languages, and language-based security issues.
Papers are welcome to include formal descriptions and proofs, but
these are not required; the key consideration is that papers should
present novel and valuable ideas or experiences. The main focus in
selecting workshop contributions will be the intrinsic interest and
timeliness of the work, so authors are encouraged to submit polished
descriptions of work in progress as well as papers describing
completed projects.
We solicit submissions on original research not previously published
or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The program chair
should be informed of any related submissions; see the ACM SIGPLAN
Republication Policy. Submissions should be PDF in standard SIGPLAN
9pt conference format for a US-letter size page. While submissions can
be up to 12 pages, shorter papers describing promising preliminary
work are also encouraged. Papers must be submitted electronically via
An informal proceedings will be made publicly available on the web
page. However, presentation at FOOL does not count as prior
publication, and many of the results presented at FOOL have later been
published at ECOOP, OOPSLA, POPL, and other main conferences.
Program Committee
Jonathan Aldrich, Carnegie Mellon University, PA, USA
John Boyland, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, chair
Nicholas Cameron, Mozilla Corporation
Dave Clarke, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
William R. Cook, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Stephen Freund, Williams College, MA, USA
Ronald Garcia, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Simon Gay, University of Glasgow, UK
Peter Mueller, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Uday S. Reddy, University of Birmingham, UK
Sukyoung Ryu, KAIST, Korea
Marco Servetto, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Scott F. Smith, The Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA
Jonathan Aldrich
John Boyland
Jeremy Siek, chair
Steering Committee
Jonathan Aldrich
Viviana Bono
Atsushi Igarashi
James Noble
Jeremy Siek
Elena Zucca
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