[clean-list] Alan Turing Centenary Conference in Manchester, 2nd Call for Papers
S B Cooper
pmt6sbc at maths.leeds.ac.uk
Wed Apr 11 01:29:47 MEST 2012
Manchester, UK, June 22-25, 2012
Second announcement, call for submissions and call for participation.
(1) Ten Turing Award winners, a Templeton Award winner and
Garry Kasparov as invited speakers
(2) GBP 20,000 worth best paper award program, including
GBP 5,000 best paper award
(3) Two panels and two public lectures
(4) Turing Fellowship award ceremony
(5) Computer chess programme
(6) Competition of programs proving theorems
(7) and many more ...
For more details please check
Note that the registration is now open.
Confirmed invited speakers:
- Fred Brooks (University of North Carolina)
- Rodney Brooks (MIT)
- Vint Cerf (Google)
- Ed Clarke (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Jack Copeland (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
- George Francis Rayner Ellis (University of Cape Town)
- David Ferrucci (IBM)
- Tony Hoare (Microsoft Research)
- Garry Kasparov (Kasparov Chess Foundation)
- Samuel Klein (Wikipedia)
- Don Knuth (Stanford University)
- Yuri Matiyasevich (Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg)
- Hans Meinhardt (Max-Planck Institute for Developmental Biology)
- Roger Penrose (University of Oxford)
- Adi Shamir (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Michael Rabin (Harvard University)
- Leslie Valiant (Harvard University)
- Manuela M. Veloso (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Andrew Yao (Tsinghua University)
Confirmed panel speakers:
- Samson Abramsky (Oxford)
- Ron Brachman (Yahoo Labs)
- Carole Goble (The University of Manchester)
- Martin Davis (New York University)
- Steve Furber (The University of Manchester)
- Pat Hayes (Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Pensacola)
- Bertrand Meyer (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
- Ken Thompson (Google)
- Moshe Vardi (Rice University)
The Turing Centenary Conference will include invited talks and a
poster session. Submissions are sought in several areas of computer
science, mathematics and biology.
Submissions of two kinds are welcome:
- Regular papers
- Research reports
All submitted papers must be in the PDF format and between 3 and 15
pages long. All submissions will be evaluated by the programme
committee. Submission is through the EasyChair system,
Regular papers must include original work not submitted before or
during the Turing-100 reviewing period to any other event with
published proceedings or a journal. All submitted regular papers will
be considered eligible for the best paper awards.
Research reports can contain work in progress and/or be based on
previously submitted work. They will not be eligible for the best
paper awards.
*** Areas ***
Submissions are welcome in all areas of computer science, mathematics
and biology listed below:
- computation theory
- logic in computation
- artificial intelligence
- social aspects of computation
- models of computation
- program analysis
- mathematics of evolution and emergence
- knowledge processing
- natural language processing
- cryptography
- machine learning
- cognitive science
- mathematical biology
*** Schedule and conference proceedings ***
The submission deadline is April 16. All submissions will be evaluated
by the programme committee. Authors will be notified by acceptance or
rejection on or before May 1st. At least one author of every accepted
paper must register for the conference, attend it and present the
paper at the poster session. All accepted papers will be published in
the conference proceedings and available at the conference. The
instructions on preparing final versions for the proceedings will
appear on the Turing-100 Web site.
*** Submissions and Best paper awards ***
A subset of accepted regular papers will be selected by the programme
committee for the second round of reviewing. The authors of the
selected papers will be invited to submit revised versions of their
papers by May 16. The programme committee will make decisions on best
paper awards by June 14. All papers receiving the award will be
published in a book dedicated to the conference and published after
the conference. This book will also contain some papers by invited and
panel speakers.
In the case of doubts about the relevance of your paper to the
conference and for all other queries please contact programme chair
Andrei Voronkov at andrei at voronkov.com.
See http://www.turing100.manchester.ac.uk/index.php/submission
for more details.
A subset of poster session submissions will be selected as
candidates for best paper awards:
- The best paper award of GBP 5,000
- The best young researcher best paper award of GBP 3,000
- The second best paper award of GBP 2,500
- The second best young researcher best paper award of GBP 1,500
- Sixteen (16) awards of GBP 500 each
See http://www.turing100.manchester.ac.uk/index.php/submission/bestpaper
for more details.
The number of participants is limited. Register early to avoid
disappointment! To register, access
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=turing100 and click on
*** Registration fees ***
All fees are in Pound Sterling.
early (on or before May 3) late (May 4 or later)
Student 280 330
Regular 380 450
To qualify for a student registration you must be a full-time student
on June 23, 2012.
The registration fees include
- Attendance of sessions
- Conference reception
- Conference dinner
- Coffee breaks and lunches
- Poster session proceedings
There will be a travel support programme for students and attendees
from countries where getting funding for travel is hardly
For more details about registration check
April 16: Poster session submission deadline
May 1: Poster session notification and selection of candidates for awards
May 15: Final versions of poster session papers
May 16: Submission of full versions of papers selected for awards
June 14: Best paper award decisions
June 22-25: Conference
July 15: Final versions of papers selected for awards
Honorary Chairs:
Rodney Brooks (MIT)
Roger Penrose (Oxford)
Conference Chairs:
Matthias Baaz (Vienna University of Technology)
Andrei Voronkov (The University of Manchester)
Turing Fellowships Chair:
Barry Cooper (University of Leeds)
Theorem Proving Competition Chair:
Geoff Sutcliffe (University of Miami)
Programme Chair
Andrei Voronkov (The University of Manchester)
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