[clean-list] CFP: HOR 2012 - extended deadline: March 26, 2012
Makoto Hamana
hamana at cs.gunma-u.ac.jp
Mon Mar 19 15:56:31 MET 2012
Call for papers
6th International Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting
HOR 2012
June 2, 2012, Nagoya, Japan
Colocated with RTA'12
HOR is a forum to present work concerning all aspects of
higher-order rewriting. The aim is to provide an informal and friendly
setting to discuss recent work and work in progress concerning higher-order
rewriting. The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics for the workshop:
* Applications:
proof checking, type checking, theorem proving, functional programming,
declarative programming, program transformation, using some notions of
higher-order rewriting.
* Foundations:
pattern matching, unification, strategies, termination, syntactic properties,
type theory, for higher-order rewriting.
* Frameworks:
graph rewriting, net rewriting, comparisons of different formats.
* Implementation:
explicit substitution, rewriting tools, compilation techniques.
* Semantics:
semantics of higher-order rewriting, higher-order abstract syntax,
categorical rewriting.
Important dates
Paper submission: ** EXTENDED: March 26, 2012 **
Notification: April 20, 2012
Final version: May 10, 2012
Workshop: June 2, 2012
Invited speakers
* Zhenjiang Hu (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Can Graph Transformation be Bidirectionalized?
-- Bidirectional Semantics of Structural Recursion on Graphs --
* Another speaker to be annouced
Two categories of papers are solicited:
- Category A: Extended abstracts of new results, describing work in
progress, or problems in higher-order rewriting.
- Category B: Short versions of recently published or submitted
elsewhere articles on higher-order rewriting. Papers in this category
are for presentation only, and not considered as candidates for the
post-workshop proceedings.
Papers in both categories should be between 2 and 5 pages, and should note
the category (either A or B). Papers are formatted according to EPTCS style,
and submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission website. Papers
will be judged on relevance, originality, correctness and usefulness.
Please address your questions to the PC chair: hamana at cs.gunma-u.ac.jp.
The proceedings of HOR 2012 will be made available on the HOR 2012 web page,
and a printed version will be distributed at the workshop. Post-workshop
proceedings of extended abstracts of selected contributions is planned to be
published as a volume of EPTCS.
Program Committee
Andreas Abel (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany)
Frederic Blanqui (INRIA, France)
Makoto Hamana (Gunma University, Japan) (chair)
Stefan Kahrs (University of Kent, UK)
Fer-Jan de Vries (University of Leicester, UK)
Program and Organizing Chair
Makoto Hamana (Gunma University, Japan)
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