[clean-list] [IEEE Systems Journal] Special Issue on Recent Advances in Cloud-based Multimedia Systems
cinfon at mail.ncku.edu.tw
Mon Feb 20 04:02:31 MET 2012
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IEEE Systems Journal
Special Issue on Recent Advances in Cloud-based Multimedia Systems
The main concept of cloud computing is placing the required services on the “cloud”.
Users do not need to understand the cloud infrastructure, nor restrict control within
the clouds, making it possible to offer a scalable Internet service. The benefits of this
service have gained a lot of attention within academic and industrial communities in
areas such as commerce, communication, and software security. Recently consumer
demands for high quality multimedia services have increased, including higher
resolution and more multimedia content. Cloud computing is a key technology that
promises significant decreasing in hardware requirements and computation time. It is
also efficient technology that can be used to search for related multimedia messages
to enable instant results when searching for content, while using the heterogeneous
Internet structure to provide ubiquitous multimedia services.
In this special issue, we solicit original works in all areas of multimedia systems
that leverage cloud-computing technologies. In particular, we seek original work on
identifying new research and development challenges and developing new techniques,
framework, and algorithms in protocol design and performance optimization in
cloud-based multimedia systems. Specific topics include, but not limited to, the
1. Novel cloud-based multimedia system architecture
2. Cloud-based multimedia communication
3. Multimedia resource scheduling and allocation on cloud computing
4. Quality of service for cloud-based multimedia system
5. Robust cloud-based multimedia content transmission
6. Cloud-based multimedia network applications
7. Performance measurements for cloud-based multimedia systems
8. Reliability, security and privacy for cloud-based multimedia system
Tentative Schedule:
Paper Submission Deadline: August 1, 2012
1st Notification of acceptance: November 1, 20122
Submission due date of revised paper: December 15, 2012
2nd Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2013
Submission of final revised paper: March 1, 2013
Publication date: TBD by EiC
Submission & Review Instructions:
All papers submitted to this Special Issue will undergo further reviews by at least 3
independent reviewers. All manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the
IEEE Systems Journal by August 1, 2012 (http://ieeesystemsjournal.org/login.php).
Authors should indicate that their manuscript is being submitted for the Special Issue
on Recent Advances in Cloud-based Multimedia Systems. All submissions must be
prepared according to IEEE Systems Journal submission guidelines. A copy of the
manuscript should be emailed in PDF format to the special issue Guest editors.
Guest Editors:
Prof. Han-Chieh Chao (Corresponding Editor)
Institute of Computer Science & Information Engineering and Department of
Electronic Engineering, National Ilan University, Taiwan
Email: hcc at niu.edu.tw
Prof. Victor C.M. Leung
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of British Columbia, Canada
Email: vleung at ece.ubc.ca
Prof. Sherali Zeadally
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
University of the District of Columbia, USA
Email: szeadally at udc.edu
Dr. Jong-Hyouk Lee
RSM Department, TELECOM Bretagne, France
Email: hurryon at gmail.com
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