[clean-list] Call For Papers: Wodet-3 - Third Workshop on Determinism and Correctness in Parallel Programming
Emery Berger
emery at cs.umass.edu
Wed Nov 30 23:46:43 MET 2011
Wodet-3 - Third Workshop on Determinism and Correctness in Parallel Programming
March 3, 2012Co-located with ASPLOS 12, London, England, UK
Unintentional non-determinism is the bane of multithreaded
softwaredevelopment. Defective software might execute correctly
hundreds oftimes before a subtle synchronization bug appears, and when
it does,developers often cannot readily reproduce it while
debugging.Nondeterminism also complicates testing as good coverage
requires botha wide range of program inputs and a large number of
possibleinterleavings for each input. These problems have taken on
renewedurgency as multicore systems have driven parallel programming
tobecome mainstream.
Determinism is emerging as an important research area, ranging
fromtechniques for existing code (including deterministic
executionmodels, parallelizing compilers, and deterministic replay
fordebugging) to new programming models (including deterministic
generalpurpose languages and run-time systems). Deterministic
multiprocessingyields deep open questions in programming languages,
compilers,operating systems, runtime systems and architecture.
While there is a growing consensus that determinism would greatly
helpwith the programmability challenges of multicore systems, there
isstill little consensus on many important questions. What are
theperformance and programmability trade-offs for enforcing
deterministicsemantics with different approaches? Should deterministic
semantics bestrictly enforced or guaranteed only for programs that
are"well-behaved" in certain ways? How can we support
trulynon-deterministic algorithms, where non-determinism is
intentionallyused for improved parallel performance? How can each
layer of thesystem stack contribute to these goals? What are other
safetyguarantees useful in making parallel programming easier and less
errorprone (e.g., race-freedom, atomicity, etc..)?
The Third Workshop on Determinism and Correctness in
ParallelProgramming is an across-the-stack forum to discuss the role
of a widerange of correctness properties in parallel and
concurrentprogramming. While determinism is an important theme, the
scope of theworkshop includes other correctness properties for
parallel programsand systems. The workshop will be a full day event
with a few invitedtalks, a moderated debate, and technical sessions
for shortpeer-reviewed papers discussing ideas, positions, or
preliminaryresearch results.
In addition to answers to the questions above, topics of interest include:
Language extensions for disciplined parallel programming
models(deterministic, data race-free, etc.)Architecture, operating
system, runtime system and compiler supportfor parallel program
correctnessConcurrency debugging techniquesNew properties of parallel
programsLimit studies and empirical studies of the cost of safety
propertiesStudies of the applicability of correctness properties in
parallelprograms and algorithmsConcurrency bug avoidance
techniquesReal-world experience with safe parallel programming models,
systems, or tools
We are seeking submissions of short position papers to be presented
atthe workshop. Position papers may introduce new ideas relevant to
theworkshop, propose interesting research directions, and/or
describepreliminary research results. Workshop submissions will be
judged onnovelty, technical merit, and potential for creating
thought-provokingdiscussion at the workshop. There will NOT be a
formal proceedings sowork presented at this workshop is eligible for
republication infuture ACM conferences or journals (and other formal
venues that havesimilar republication policies).
Submissions must be in PDF format, in two columns, 10-point
font,1-inch margins, and no longer than 6 pages in total. Please
contactthe organizers if any of these present a hardship.
Important Dates
January 6, 2012, 5 p.m. Eastern Time: submission deadlineJanuary 14,
2012: notification of acceptanceMarch 3, 2012: workshop
* Emery Berger, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Program Committee
* Vikram Adve, University of Illinois* Emery Berger, University of
Massachusetts Amherst* Luis Ceze, University of Washington* Jason
Flinn, University of Michigan* Bryan Ford, Yale University* Suresh
Jagannathan, Purdue University* Shan Lu, University of Wisconsin*
Madan Musuvathi, Microsoft Research (Redmond)* Simon Peyton Jones,
Microsoft Research (Cambridge)* Koushik Sen, University of California,
Berkeley* Martin Vechev, ETH Zurich* Eran Yahav, Technion* Junfeng
Yang, Columbia University
Professor Emery Berger
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
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