[clean-list] I cannot use pst.ls

Peter Achten P.Achten at cs.ru.nl
Mon May 9 23:37:47 MEST 2011

Dear Ferreira,

Any compiler error message that involves the keyword 'uniqueness' has to do with sharing: in your code, the function doit creates two references to the value pst:
(1) as second argument of appListPIO
(2) by accessing the ls field of pst (using pst.ls)
This implies that it is not 'unique', i.e.: there exists no longer a single reference to the value pst. However, the function doit must produce a value of the same type that has exactly one reference. 
This is what the error message says: the demanded (uniqueness) attribute (which is unique) cannot be offered by shared object (viz. pst). The trick to get around this is to use argument 
pattern-matching on (unique) records. The following should work:

   doit [id1,id2] (lst,pst=:{ls})
     = (lst+1, appListPIO [(setControlText id1 (toString lst))
                          ,(setControlText id2 ls)
                          ] pst)

The difference is that now there is only a single reference to pst in the result of doit. The reference to ls is now directly 'into' the pst record, not via the pst record.

Hope this helps.


On 5/9/2011 5:02 PM, Ferreira Maurizio wrote:
> In the following test, I cannot use pst.ls
> I suppose it should be the value used to initialize the process state (e.g. "ps")
> The compiler complains about "setControlText id2 pst.ls" (near the end of the program)
> whith the error:
> Uniqueness error [hello.icl,27,pst]" demanded attribute cannot be offered by shared object
> Any suggestion ?
> (BTW, is there somewhere an explanation of error messages ?)
> Regards.
> Maurizio.
> module hello
> import StdEnv, StdIO
> Start world
>    #(ids,world) = openIds 2 world
>    = startIO NDI "ps" (snd o openDialog 1 (hello ids) ) [ProcessClose closeProcess] world
> where
>    hello [id1,id2] = Dialog "My dialog"
>            (TextControl "00" [ControlId id1]
>            :+:
>            TextControl "00" [ControlPos (Left, zero), ControlId id2]
>            :+:
>            ButtonControl "ok" [ ControlPos (Left, zero)
>                               , ControlViewSize {w=75, h=23}
>                               , ControlFunction (doit [id1,id2])
>                               ]
>            )
>            [ WindowClose  (noLS closeProcess)
>            , WindowViewSize {w=150, h=90}
>            , WindowPos (Fix, OffsetVector {vx=400, vy=350})
>            ]
>    doit [id1,id2] (lst,pst)
>      = (lst+1, appListPIO [(setControlText id1 (toString lst))
>                           ,(setControlText id2 pst.ls)
>                           ] pst)
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