[clean-list] CP 2011 - Call for WORKSHOP PROPOSALS
cp2011publicity at dmi.unipg.it
cp2011publicity at dmi.unipg.it
Thu Dec 30 00:50:41 MET 2010
CP 2011
17th International Conference on
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
September 12-16, 2011
Perugia, Italy
The CP 2011 Workshop Chair invites proposals for the Workshop
CP 2011 workshops will provide an informal setting where workshop
participants will have the opportunity to discuss specific
technical topics in an atmosphere that facilitates the active
exchange of ideas. It is an opportunity to disseminate work in
progress or to promote new and emerging areas within the field of
constraints. The topics of the workshops can cover any area
related to constraints and any related cross-disciplinary areas.
All workshops will take place on 12 September, 2011 at the site
of the main conference. Workshops can be half-day or
full-day. The internal format of the workshop will be determined
by the organizers of each workshop. Participants can register for
workshops only.
Important Dates
April 1, 2011: Proposal submission deadline
April 8, 2011: Acceptance notification
April 26, 2011: Deadline for receipt of CFP and URL
for workshop web page
August 19, 2011: Deadline for workshop working notes
September 12, 2011: CP 2011 workshops
Proposal Submissions
Proposals for workshops should contain the following information:
- The title and a brief technical description of the workshop,
specifying the goals and the technical issues it will focus on.
- A brief discussion of why and to whom the workshop is of interest.
- A list of tentatively confirmed attendees, if available.
- A list of related workshops held within the last three years,
if any, and their relation to the proposed workshop.
- A list of workshops previously arranged by any members of the
proposed organizing committee, if any.
- The names of the proposed organizing committee. This committee
should consist of two or three people knowledgeable about the
technical issues to be addressed, preferably not coming from the
same institution.
- The name and email address of the main organizer.
Responsibilities of the Workshop Organizers
Each workshop main organizer will be responsible for:
- Producing a "Call for Papers" and a Web page for their
workshop by April 26, 2011. Please provide a web page/URL that
can be linked into the CP 2011 home page. The call must make it
clear that the workshop is open to all members of the CP
community. It should also mention that at least one author of
each accepted submission must attend the workshop, and that all
workshop participants must pay the workshop fee. Finally, it
should also clearly describe the process by which the organizing
committee will select the participants.
- Providing a brief description of the workshop for the conference program.
- Selecting submitted papers.
- Scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the local
organizers and the workshop chairs.
- Providing working notes to be duplicated for the workshop (up
to a maximum of 200 pages) by August 19, 2011.
Responsibilities of the CP 2011 Organizing Committee
The CP 2011 organizing committee will be responsible for the following:
- Providing publicity for the workshop series as a whole.
- Providing logistics support and a meeting place for the workshop.
- In conjunction with the organizers, determining the start and
end times of the workshop.
- Duplicating working notes as described above and distributing
them to the participants.
Submitting a Proposal
All proposals should be submitted by electronic mail (in ASCII),
to the Workshop Chair as follows:
Christian Schulte
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
cschulte at kth.se
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