[clean-list] IJCAR 2010 - Call for participation
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans
sofronie at mpi-sb.mpg.de
Fri Apr 16 00:06:39 MEST 2010
[Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement]
IJCAR 2010 - The 5th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
Edinburgh, UK, July 16-19, 2010
as part of FLoC 2010 - Federated Logic Conference
Call for Participation
IJCAR is the premier international joint conference on all topics
in automated reasoning. The IJCAR technical programme will consist of
presentations of high-quality original research papers, system
descriptions, and invited talks.
IJCAR 2010 is a merger of leading events in automated reasoning:
CADE (Conference on Automated Deduction),
FroCoS (Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems),
FTP (Workshop on First-order Theorem Proving), and
TABLEAUX (Conference on Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods)
Registration, accomodation, and travel/visa information for all FLoC
conferences and workshops is on the FLoC 2010 web pages.
Book your trip to Edinburgh today!
Scientific Program
+ Presentation of 2 invited IJCAR talks
+ Presentation of 2 plenary/keynote FLoC invited talks
+ Presentation of 28 regular research papers
+ Presentation of 12 system abstracts
+ Presentation of the Herbrand Award
+ 13 workshops, 2 competitions.
Invited Speakers
+ Invited IJCAR Speakers
+ Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research Redmond
+ Johan van Benthem, Stanford University and University of Amsterdam
+ Plenary and Keynote Invited Talks at FLoC
+ David Basin, ETH Zurich
+ Deepak Kapur, University of New Mexico
Workshops, Competitions
There will be thirteen workshops and two system competitions associated
with IJCAR. See their individual WWW pages, linked from the FLoC WWW pages
for more information.
+ Workshops
- AUTOMATHEO 2010: Workshop on Automated Mathematical Theory Exploration
(Workshop affilliated to FLoC) (with ITP)
- CLoDeM2010: International Workshop on Comparing Logical Decision
Methods (with LICS)
- EMSQMS 2010: Workshop on Evaluation Metods for Solvers, and Quality
Metrics for Solutions (with CAV)
- LfSA 2010: Logics for Systems Analysis (with LICS)
- MLPA-10: 2nd Workshop on Module Systems and Libraries for
Proof Assistants (with ITP)
- PAAR-2010: Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning
- SVARM 2010: Synthesis, Verification and Analysis of Rich Models
(with CAV)
- UITP10: 9th International Workshop On User Interfaces for
Theorem Provers (with ITP)
- UniDL10: 1st Workshop on Uncertainty in Description Logics
- UNIF 2010: 24th International Workshop on Unification (with RTA)
- VERIFY-2010: 6th International Verification Workshop
- WING 2010: Workshop on Invariant Generation
- WST 2010: 11th International Workshop on Termination (with RTA)
+ Competitions
- CASC-J5: 5th IJCAR ATP System Competition
- Termination 2010: 7th International Termination Competition
Social Events
+ Welcome reception at the Scottish National Galleries.
+ Conference banquet at the luxurious Prestonfield Hotel.
+ CASQ-J5 - the CADE Squash Competition
At registration the proceedings of all FLoC conferences and workshops will
be provided, at no additional cost, on a USB stick. Hard copy IJCAR 2010
proceedings are optionally available, for an additional cost. Remember to
tick the hardcopy proceedings box when you register.
Please note that hard copies are offered at appr. 50% discount during
registration and will not be on sale later on or during the conference.
For online registration for IJCAR, please follow the link on the FLoC
website at http://floc-conference.org/registration.html
Registration is now open.
The deadline for early registration is 17 May. Standard rates will apply
for those who register between 18 May and 30 June.
For those who register after 30 June, late rates will apply.
Note that it is possible to register early, and then add components (e.g.,
additional workshops, additional registration days, etc.) later on.
Very affordable accommodation has been booked at the University's Pollock
Halls campus, about 15-minute walk from the conference site. Room types
include single/double rooms with shared facilities/ensuite, and standard
hotel rooms in a 3-star Victorian mansion. Alternatively, blocks of rooms
have been booked at several hotels in the cite centre. For details, see
Student Travel Grants
FLoC has raised funds to help students with participating in the 2010
meeting. CADE is also funding the Woody Bledsoe Student Bursary scheme for
students attending IJCAR 2010. Application deadline is May 3, 2010. The
application form and further details are available on the conference
website http://www.floc-conference.org/floc-student-grants.html
For all enquiries about FLoC conferences email: floc-admin at inf.ed.ac.uk
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