[clean-list] ICPC2010 -- Call-for-ToolDemos
Pedro Rangel Henriques
prh at di.uminho.pt
Wed Mar 31 18:40:30 MEST 2010
[Apologies for multiple reception of this email]
18th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2010)
June 30 - July 2, 2010 - Braga, Portugal
*Important dates*
April 9: Tool Demo submission
April 20: Acceptance notification
April 25: Camera-ready papers
The International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) is the
principal venue for works in the area of program comprehension as well
as a leading venue for works in the areas of software analysis,
reverse engineering software evolution, and software visualization.
ICPC 2010 promises to provide a quality forum for researchers and
practitioners from academia, industry, and government to present and
to discuss state-of-the-art and best-practice results in the field of
program comprehension.
The Research Tool Demonstrations track is an important part of the
conference with the goal to allow live presentation of both
industry-strength tools and academic prototypes.
Tools play a central role in program comprehension tasks. Therefore,
tool demonstrations will have a prominent role within the conference.
We especially encourage tool demonstration proposals complementing
full technical papers. Whereas a technical paper is intended to give
the background information and point out the scientific contribution
of a new program comprehension approach, the tool demonstration
provides a good opportunity to show how the scientific approach has
been transferred into a running tool prototype.
*Paper submission and publication*
Submissions of proposals for tool demonstrations must:
* adhere to the ICPC 2010 proceedings format (IEEE CS proceedings)
* have a maximum of 2 pages that describe the technology or approach,
how it relates to other industrial or research efforts, including
references, and describe what the expected benefits are;
* be submitted via the EasyChair system by April 9, 2010:
Accepted tool demonstrations will be included in the conference
proceedings (up to 2 pages in the IEEE CS proceedings style). The tool
proposals should indicate the novelty of the approach and how the
ideas will be presented.
Demonstrators are expected to give a presentation that will be
scheduled into the conference program.
Presentation at the conference is a requirement for publication.
Tool Demonstration Chairs
* Marco D'Ambros, University of Lugano (Switzerland)
Contact address: marco.dambros at usi.ch
Tool Demonstration Committee
* Nicolas Bettenburg, Queen's University (Canada)
* Rocco Oliveto, University of Salerno (Italy)
* Damien Pollet, University of Lille (France)
* Filippo Ricca, University of Genova (Italy)
* Romain Robbes, University of Chile (Chile)
* Michael Wursch, University of Zurich (Switzerland)
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