[clean-list] LPAR-17 in Indonesia - Calls for Papers and Workshop Proposals
Geoff Sutcliffe
geoff at cs.miami.edu
Thu Mar 11 18:37:26 MET 2010
The 17th International Conference on
Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning
Yogyakarta, Indonesia - October 10th-15th, 2010
The series of International Conferences on Logic for Programming, Artificial
Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR) is a forum where, year after year, some of
the most renowned researchers in the areas of logic, automated reasoning,
computational logic, programming languages and their applications come to
present cutting-edge results, to discuss advances in these fields, and to
exchange ideas in a scientifically emerging part of the world. The 17th LPAR
will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Logic is a fundamental organizing principle in nearly all areas in Computer
Science. It runs a multifaceted gamut from the foundational to the applied.
At one extreme, it underlies computability and complexity theory and the
formal semantics of programming languages. At the other extreme, it drives
billions of gates every day in the digital circuits of processors of all
kinds. Logic is in itself a powerful programming paradigm, but it is also the
quintessential specification language for anything ranging from real-time
critical systems to networked infrastructures. Logical techniques link
implementation and specification through formal methods such as automated
theorem proving and model checking. Logic is also the stuff of knowledge
representation and artificial intelligence. Because of its ubiquity, logic
has acquired a central role in Computer Science education.
New results in the fields of computational logic and applications are welcome.
Also welcome are more exploratory presentations, which may examine open
questions and raise fundamental concerns about existing theories and practices.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Automated reasoning
* Verification
* Interactive theorem proving and proof assistants
* Model checking
* Implementations of logic
* Satisfiability modulo theories
* Rewriting and unification
* Logic programming
* Satisfiability checking
* Constraint programming
* Decision procedures
* Logic and games
* Logic and the Web
* Ontologies and large knowledge bases
* Logic and databases
* Modal and temporal logics
* Program analysis
* Foundations of security
* Description logics
* Non-monotonic reasoning
* Uncertainty reasoning
* Logics for vague and inconsistent data
* Specification using logic
* Logic in artificial intelligence
* Logic and types
* Logical foundations of programming
* Logical aspects of concurrency
* Logic and computational complexity
* Knowledge representation and reasoning
* Logic of distributed systems
Programme Chairs
* Chris Fermueller
* Andrei Voronkov
Submission Details
Submissions of two kinds are welcome:
* Regular papers that describe solid new research results. They can be
up to 15 pages long in LNCS style, including figures and references,
but excluding appendices (that reviewers are not required to read).
* Experimental and tool papers that describe implementations of systems,
report experiments with implemented systems, or compare implemented
systems. They can be up to 8 pages long in the LNCS style.
Both types of papers can be electronically submitted in PDF via EasyChar:
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lpar17. Prospective authors are
required to register a title and an abstract a week before the paper
submission deadline (see below).
Workshop Proposals
LPAR-17 workshops will be held on October 10, either as one-day or half-day
events. If you would like to propose a workshop for LPAR-17, please contact
the workshop chair, Laura Kovacs, via email, by the proposal deadline (see
Workshop proposals should contain the following data:
* Name of the workshop.
* Brief description of the workshop, including workshop topics.
* Valid web address of the workshop.
* Contact information of the workshop organizers.
* An estimate of the audience size.
* Proposed format of the workshop (for example, regular talks, tool demos,
poster presentations, etc.).
* Duration of the workshop (one-day or half-day).
* Potential invited speakers (if any).
* Procedures for selecting papers and participants.
* Special technical or AV needs.
Note that workshops will have to be financially self-supporting.
Authors of accepted papers are required to ensure that at least one of them
will be present at the conference.
Important Dates
* Workshop proposals: 2 April 2010
* Workshop notification: 7 April 2010
* Abstract submission: 1 June 2010
* Paper submission: 8 June 2010
* Notification of acceptance: 26 July 2010
* Camera-ready papers: 6 August 2010
* Conference: 10-15 October 2010
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