[clean-list] call for organizing next AFP summerschool (2010)
rinus plasmeijer
rinus at cs.ru.nl
Mon Nov 2 09:55:12 MET 2009
Call for organizers:
The Advanced Functional Programming School, 2010.
We solicit plans for organizing the next Advanced Functional Programming School. Since 1995 there have been six Schools on Advanced Functional Programming:
a.. 2008, LNCS 5832, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
b.. 2004, LNCS 3622, Tartu, Estonia
c.. 2002, LNCS 2638, Oxford, UK
d.. 1998, LNCS 1608, Braga, Portugal
e.. 1996, LNCS 1129, Olympia, WA, USA
f.. 1995, LNCS 925, Baastad, Sweden
The goals of this series of schools are
a.. Bring computer scientists, in particular young researchers and programmers, up to date with the latest AFP techniques.
b.. Use AFP techniques in "programming in the real world".
c.. Bridge the gap between results presented at programming conferences and material from introductory textbooks on functional programming.
The approach we take to achieve these goals in the schools is
a.. In depth lectures about AFP techniques, taught by experts in the field.
b.. Lectures are accompanied by practical problems to be solved by the students at the school. The problems guide the students' learning to a great extent. This implies that there has to be a lab at the school site.
c.. Group work is stimulated, especially because the practical problems will typically be too large for a single person.
By functional programming we mean programming in a style that emphasizes the evaluation of expressions rather than the execution of commands.
The lecture notes of the Advanced Functional Programming schools are published after the school. The organizers are responsible for publishing the lecture notes.
Please submit a proposal for organizing the next advanced functional programming school.
Your proposal should include
a.. the name of the organizers (preferably more than one)
b.. a programme: lecturers (a mix of young and bright, and old and wise lecturers is preferred) and topics (keep in mind that lectures have to be about "programming in the real world". Applications of functional programming are very important for the school)
c.. the approximate dates (preferably somewhere in 2010)
d.. a location
e.. a budget, including an estimation of the registration and hotel costs per participant.
The programme, dates, location and budget don't have to be completely fixed when you submit your proposal, but there should be sufficient information to review your proposal. Your proposal will be reviewed by the steering committee of the Advanced Functional Programming Schools, consisting of
ยท Peter Achten (AFP6)
a.. Pedro Henriques (AFP3)
b.. Johan Jeuring (AFP4, AFP5)
c.. Simon Peyton Jones (AFP4)
d.. Pieter Koopman (AFP6)
e.. Erik Meijer (AFP2)
f.. Rinus Plasmeijer (Chairman, AFP6)
g.. Tim Sheard (AFP2)
h.. Doaitse Swierstra (AFP3, AFP6)
i.. Tarmo Uustalu (AFP5)
j.. Varmo Vene (AFP5)
Submit your proposal to rinus at cs.ru.nl before December 15, 2009.
Notification January 9, 2010.
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