[clean-list] Out of memory when compiling modules over 100k

John van Groningen johnvg at cs.ru.nl
Wed Oct 7 15:05:57 MEST 2009

Vag wrote:
>Compiler from Clean 2.2 distribution dies with message "Heap full" when compiling modules with size greater than 100k if fusion option was turned on.

On WIndows you can increase the maximal heap size of the compiler in
the Environment dialog (menu Environment/Edit Current..). After
the name of the Compiler (CleanCompiler.exe) add " : -h 64m" for
a 64 megabyte heap. If there are already two ":"s, add " -h 64m " in
the middle, so: " : -h 64m : ".

Kind regards,

John van Groningen

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