[clean-list] RE: Black Screen: lift (TFA) (unitype.icl)

Vag vag.vagoff at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 19:27:17 MEST 2009

> $bin/clm test
> Compiling test
> lift (TFA) (unitype.icl)clm: reading compiler result failed: No such file or
> directory

Actually, you got two messages: one from compiler executable (cocl)
called by clm:

    lift (TFA) (unitype.icl

and one from clm itself:

    clm: reading compiler result failed: No such file or directory

complaining that compiler died and left no output files.

unitype.icl is a part of Clean compiler frontend. It lives at
compiler/frontend/unitype.icl relative to CVS root. It contains lines

	lift modules cons_vars (TFA vars type) subst ls
		= abort "lift (TFA) (unitype.icl)"

and that is his post mortem message.

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