[clean-list] ICLP'10, FLoC'10: Call for Workshops Deadline Extension to Sept. 1rst

Veronica Dahl veronica at cs.sfu.ca
Fri Jul 31 00:20:19 MEST 2009

Dear all,

FLoC 2010: Call For Workshops Deadline Extension:
Workshop proposals can now be submitted up to Sept. 1, 2009.
The original Call for Workshops is at
http://www.floc-conference.org/cfw.html .

Organizers will be notified by October 15, 2009. Proposals should be
submitted electronically  to EasyChair at the following address:


(Clearly indicate at the top of the proposal the relevant conference)

For further enquiries or information, please contact:

Philip Scott (FLoC Workshop Chair)
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ont. Canada  K1N 6N5
email:  phil at site.uottawa.ca

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