[clean-list] Personal invitation to participate in PADTAD 2009

Eric Mercer eric.mercer at byu.edu
Tue Apr 14 18:26:03 MEST 2009


Padtad 2009 includes in its modest registration (around $220)

- a half day tutorial on Intel Thread Building Blocks
- a half day tutorial on Cilk++ programming
- a Chicago architectural tour (boat)
- one day of exciting technical programs
- a world-class program committee

Please do submit multiple papers! Instructions at

Papers are reviewed for their value in multiple dimensions (pedagogy, 
new ideas, position statements, ...). Excellent forum for triggering 

Questions? Plz send to padtad09 at cs.utah.edu

Please publicize PADTAD 2009 widely. Thanks!

Eitan Farchi (IBM)
Eric Mercer (BYU)
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan (Univ of Utah)
Shmuel Ur (IBM)
Scott Stoller (SUNY Stony Brook)

Eric G Mercer
Computer Science Department
Brigham Young University

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