[clean-list] Re: The link to the "Clean for Haskell98 Programmers" reference guide on the Clean home page is broken.

Benjamin L. Russell DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com
Tue Jan 27 10:43:01 MET 2009

Apparently, that link had been updated as well, but my browser had
cached the earlier content.  The link has apparently been updated, and
works fine now.  Sorry for the confusion; I have cleared out my
browser cache.

-- Benjamin L. Russell

On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:27:05 +0900, "Benjamin L. Russell"
<DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com> wrote:

>Thanks for the updated link!  It works, and I've updated my bookmarks.
>However, the link on the Clean home page at http://clean.cs.ru.nl/ has
>apparently not been updated yet, so it would probably be helpful for
>Haskellers looking for a guide to Clean if the new URL could be
>references on that page as well.
>-- Benjamin L. Russell
>On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 09:27:35 +0100, Thomas van Noort <thomas at cs.ru.nl>
>>Oops, that link should be
>>Apologies for the inconvenience,
>>Benjamin L. Russell wrote:
>>> The link to the "concise Clean guide" (see
>>> http://www.st.cs.ru.nl/papers/2007/CleanHaskellQuickGuide.pdf) on the
>>> lower right-hand corner of the Clean home page (see
>>> http://clean.cs.ru.nl/) is broken; does anybody have an updated link
>>> to this document?
>>> -- Benjamin L. Russell
Benjamin L. Russell  /   DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
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