Fwd: Re: [clean-list] Serious bug in the type system
Cristian Baboi
cristi at ot.onrc.ro
Mon Dec 17 09:06:36 MET 2007
module t
import StdEnv
ohoh :: *{#Char} -> *( {#Char}, *{#Char} )
ohoh arr
#! arr1=arr
#! arr2=(update arr 0 'a')
=(arr1, arr2)
Start = (a,c)
x=ohoh "xyz"
c=update b 0 'x'
But the above does compile and returns ("ayz","xyz")
------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Cristian Baboi" <cristi at ot.onrc.ro>
To: "clean-list at science.ru.nl" <clean-list at science.ru.nl>
Subject: Fwd: Re: [clean-list] Serious bug in the type system
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 09:24:16 +0200
The Start does not compile
module t
import StdEnv
ohoh :: *{#Char} -> ( {#Char}, {#Char} )
ohoh arr
#! arr1=arr
#! arr2=(update arr 0 'a')
=(arr1, arr2)
Start = (b,c)
x=ohoh "xyz"
c=update a 0 'x'
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