[clean-list] stupid question
Cristian Baboi
cristi at ot.onrc.ro
Tue Dec 11 10:00:05 MET 2007
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 10:46:45 +0200, David Minor <david-m at orbotech.com>
> I must be missing something obvious, I'm going through the tutorial, why
> doesn't the following terminate on a one digit number when given 999 as
> expected?
I don't know what is expected, but it sums the digit of numbers given in
the lists.
3 = 3
9+9+9 = 27
> module test
> import StdEnv
> Start = [isum 18, isum 3, isum 999]
> isum :: Int -> Int
> isum x
> | x<10 = x
> | otherwise = ones x + isum (x / 10)
> div9 :: Int -> Bool
> div9 x
> | isum x == 9 = True
> | otherwise = False
> ones :: Int -> Int
> ones x = (x - ((x / 10) * 10))
> Thanks,
> David
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