[clean-list] ISMM 2008 Call for Papers
R.E.Jones at kent.ac.uk
Mon Nov 12 13:35:22 MET 2007
As an author who has previously published in ISMM, we would like to
invite you to consider submitting a paper to ISMM 2008. The call for
papers is below; if you are submitting a paper to PLDI 2008, please
note that you can also submit it to ISMM (see the guidelines below).
Richard Jones
Steve Blackburn
International Symposium on Memory Management 2008
ISMM is a forum for research in management of dynamically allocated
memory. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: explicit
storage allocation and deallocation; garbage collection algorithms
and implementations; compiler analyses to aid memory management;
interactions with languages, operating systems, and hardware,
especially the memory system; memory management related tools; and
empirical studies of allocation and referencing behavior in programs
that make significant use of dynamic memory. ISMM solicits full-length
papers on all areas of memory management. Survey papers that present
an aspect of memory management with a new coherence are also welcome.
General Chair: Richard Jones Programme Chair: Steve Blackburn
Steering Committee: Programme Committee:
David Bacon, IBM David Detlefs, Microsoft
Steve Blackburn, ANU David Gay, Intel
Amer Diwan, U. Colorado Dan Grossman, U. Washington
David Detlefs, Microsoft Martin Hirzel, IBM
Richard Jones, U. Kent Matthias Meyer, U. Stuttgart
Greg Morrisett, Harvard Kathryn McKinley, U. Texas
Eliot Moss, U. Massachusetts Martin Rinard, MIT
Erez Petrank, Technion U. Witawas Srisa-an, U. Nebraska
Mooly Sagiv, Tel-Aviv U. Bjarne Steensgaard, Microsoft
Guy Steele, Sun Microsystems
David Ungar, IBM
Craig Zilles, U. Illinois
Abstracts: 16 January 2008 (5pm PST)
Full papers: 23 January 2008 (5pm PST)
Author response period: 3-5 March 2008
Notification: 10 March 2008
Camera-ready copy: 7 April 2008
Submissions will be read by the program committee and designated
reviewers and judged on scientific merit, innovation, readability
and relevance. Papers previously published or already being reviewed
by another conference are not eligible (except see below); if a
closely related paper has been submitted to a journal, the authors
must notify the program chair (see the SIGPLAN republication policy).
Authors can submit an abstract for a paper that is under consideration
for another venue. However, they can only submit a full paper if
the paper is not already being considered or published elsewhere.
***The intent of this policy is to allow authors to submit an abstract
for a paper that has also been sumitted to PLDI. If the paper is
accepted at PLDI, then no paper should be submitted to ISMM and the
abstract withdrawn.***
Submissions should be no more than 10 pages (including bibliography,
excluding well marked appendices) in standard ACM SIGPLAN conference
format: two columns, nine-point font on a ten-point baseline, with
pages 20pc (3.33in) wide and 54pc (9in) tall, with a column gutter
of 2pc (0.33in). Detailed formatting guidelines are available at
www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/ authorInformation.htm along with formatting
templates or style files for LaTeX. Papers that violate these
guidelines will be rejected by the program chair. Program committee
members are not required to read appendices, and so a paper should
be intelligible without them. All accepted papers will appear in
the published proceedings.
The ISMM paper reviewing process uses double blind reviewing and
provides an opportunity for rebuttal. In double blind reviewing the
authors are anonymous to the reviewers, just as reviewers are
anonymous to the authors. This requires effort from authors not to
disclose their identities to reviewers. For example, you should not
give your names nor mention your institution, research group or
project name, etc. Where necessary for flow you could say "the XYZ
project" and add in a footnote that the name is withheld. Discuss
your own prior work in third person, as you would other related
work. Avoid making paper drafts too public, to reduce the possibility
of inadvertantly revealing your identities to reviewers. Reviewers,
for their part, will be honour bound not to try to discover authors'
identities, which will be known only by the programme chair until
a suitable point in the programme committee's deliberations. We are
using this process because research indicates that author anonymity
reduces bias in reviewing.
The rebuttal process will give the authors opportunity to respond
succinctly to factual errors in reviews, before the program committee
meets to make its decisions. The committee may, but need not, respond
to rebuttals or revise reviews at or after the committee meeting
to reflect better the committee's rationale.
Submitted papers must be in English and formatted to print on US
Letter (8.5 x 11 inches) paper. Submissions must contain an abstract
and postal and electronic mailing addresses for at least one contact
author. All papers must be submitted on-line, preferably in Portable
Document Format (PDF), although the submission system will also
accept PostScript.
The proceedings will be published by the ACM. Authors
should read the ACM Author Guidelines and related information.
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be
presented at the conference. For additional information please feel
free to contact the Programme Chair, Steve Blackburn
(steve.blackburn at anu.edu.au).
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