[clean-list] Positions in EU FP7 project at CWI, Amsterdam
Farhad Arbab
Farhad.Arbab at cwi.nl
Thu Nov 1 16:39:36 MET 2007
Two Open Positions in the EU FP7 Project COMPAS
at CWI, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Position Description
The Coordination Languages group, SEN3, at CWI has two open positions
(1) a postdoc for a period of three years, and
(2) a PhD student.
Both positions are within the EU FP7 STREP research project
"Compliance-driven Models, Languages, and Architectures for
Services" (COMPAS).
The partners in the COMPAS project plan to design and implement novel
models, languages, and an architectural framework to ensure dynamic and
on-going compliance of software services with business regulations and
the stated service requirements of users. We intend to use model-driven
software development approaches to enable organizations develop custom
business compliance solutions faster, cheaper, and with less programming
The COMPAS consortium consist of the following partners:
Vienna University of Technology, Austria (Project Coordinator)
CWI, Netherlands
University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
University of Stuttgart, Germany
University of Tilburg, Netherlands
University of Trento, Italy
Apera sp z.o.o., Poland
Thales, France
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Netherlands
The primary role of the CWI group as a partner in this project involves
development of a formally grounded and implemented behavioral model for
services and service composition that enables formal validation of
compliance of composed services with the specifications of behavior and
process constraints.
The CWI activities in COMPAS involve both systems oriented and
theoretical work in software engineering, supervised by Prof. Dr. F.
Arbab (www.cwi.nl/~farhad) The COMPAS project complements the
theoretical and technological framework of other current projects in
SEN3 at CWI.
The candidate for the postdoc position is expected to have a PhD in
computer science, with a strong background in service-oriented and
component-based systems, and maturity in formal methods and their
practical applications. Project management skills, teamwork and
leadership, as well as the ability to work effectively with academic
colleagues and PhD students, are all important qualifications for this
The candidate for the PhD position should have at least a master
degree in computer science, with a background in service-oriented and
component-based software engineering, concurrency and distributed
systems, and practical software development.
The Theme SEN3 (http://www.cwi.nl/sen3) at CWI is a dynamic group of
internationally recognized researchers who work on Coordination Models
and Languages, service-oriented and Component-Based Software
Composition. The activity in SEN3 is a productive, healthy mix of
theoretical, foundational, and experimental work in Computer Science,
ranging in a spectrum covering mathematical foundations of models of
computation, formal methods and semantics, implementation of advanced
research software systems, as well as their real-life applications.
General information
CWI is an internationally renowned research institute in mathematics
and computer science, located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The focus
is on fundamental research problems, derived from societal needs.
Research is carried out in 18 research themes. More information about
these themes can be found on the website www.cwi.nl where you can also
find the Annual Reports of the institute. A substantial part of this
research is carried out in the framework of national or international
CWI maintains excellent relations with industry and the academic world,
at home as well as abroad. After their research careers at CWI,
an increasing number of young staff members find employment in these
sectors, for example in spin-off companies that are based on research
results from CWI. Of course, library and computing facilities are
first-rate. CWI's non-scientific services to its personnel include
career planning, training & courses, assistance in finding housing,
and tailor-made solutions to problems that may occasionally arise.
Terms of employment
The salary is in accordance with the "CAO-onderzoekinstellingen" and is
commensurate with experience. For instance, the postdoc base salary for
a fresh PhD with no additional experience in scale 10 is around 2900
Euros/month. The current starting salary for a first year PhD student
is around 1900 Euros/month. Both salaries will include an incremental
raise for each subsequent year. Besides the salary, CWI offers very
attractive and flexible terms of employment, like a collective health
insurance, pension-fund, etc.
To apply, please send a statement of your interest, together with
curriculum vitae, letters of references, and lists of publications to:
Prof. F. Arbab, telephone +31-20-592-4056, e-mail Farhad.Arbab at cwi.nl
making sure that you specifically mention the COMPAS project.
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