[clean-list] Macro facility able to encode program transformation?
David C. Norris
David_Norris at brown.edu
Sat Oct 6 01:17:39 MEST 2007
The following code demonstrates a program transformation that converts a
concise implementation of convolution to a highly efficient one (as fast
as GCC-compiled C). This transformation, applicable generally to folds
over comprehensions, looks like a good candidate for automation. Is
Clean's macro facility powerful enough to encode a transformation of
this nature within a Clean program? Or would automating this
transformation require preprocessing the Clean program text?
// A slow version of convolution
slowconvolve :: (ar e) (ar e) -> (ar e) | Array ar e & Arith e
slowconvolve a b = {let start = max 0 (i-m)
end = min i n
foldl (+) zero [ a.[i-k] * b.[k] \\ k <-
[start..end] ]
\\ i <- [0..(m+n)]}
m = size a - 1
n = size b - 1
// Transforming the indicated line of the above function as follows
produces a
// highly efficient function with performance on par with GCC-compiled C:
convolve :: (ar e) (ar e) -> (ar e) | Array ar e & Arith e
convolve a b = {let start = max 0 (i-m)
end = min i n
let roll k kend = roll zero k kend
roll result k kend
| k > kend = result
| otherwise = roll ((+) result (a.[i-k] *
b.[k])) (k+1) kend
in roll start end
\\ i <- [0..(m+n)]}
m = size a - 1
n = size b - 1
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