[clean-list] Re: relationship between uniqueness types and
single-threaded lambda calculus?
Edsko de Vries
devriese at cs.tcd.ie
Mon Jun 4 10:52:09 MEST 2007
Hi Adam,
> This modified version of your program works properly:
> // just to make sure that no auto-tuple-strictification is going on
> ::StrictPair a = Sp !Int !a
> strictPairFst :: (StrictPair a) -> Int
> strictPairFst (Sp x y) = x
> // returns a strict pair (a[i],i)
> selectx :: *{Int} Int -> StrictPair Int
> selectx x y = Sp (select x y) y
> // this works
> swap :: *{Int} Int Int -> *{Int}
> swap arr i j
> #!
> a = Sp (select arr i) i
> //a = selectx arr i
> b = select arr j
> = (update (update arr i b) j (strictPairFst a))
> But if I comment out the definition of "a" and uncomment the line
> after it, the compiler says '"arr" demanded attribute cannot be
> offered by shared object'.
I think you are missing the point of the #! (or, equivalently, of let*).
The reason that you can use "arr" twice in the #! (let*) block consists
of two parts:
(1) The arr is assumed non-unique within the let* block, and
(2) The definitions in the let* block must be evaluated before the body
Together, these guarantee referential transparency; (1) guarentees that
no definition in the let* block can modify the arr (because it has a
non-unique type), and (2) guarantees that all these reads happen before
potential writes in the body of the let. I think this is the same in the
STPLC and in uniqueness typing.
Just to be very explicit: the reason that the program with "selectx" is
failing is that you gave selectx a type annotation, requiring it to be
passed a unique array. Since the arr is non-unique within the let* body,
the call to selectx is invalid. However, your annotation to selectx is
too restrictive. The following annotation is valid, and makes either
version of your program pass the typechecker:
selectx :: {Int} Int -> StrictPair Int
Hope that helps,
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