[clean-list] Functional Programming School + PhD workshop,
June 23-30, 2007
hz at inf.elte.hu
Fri May 11 21:50:01 MEST 2007
2nd Central-European Functional Programming School
CEFP 2007
Cluj-Napoca, June 23-30, 2007
Second Call for PhD student presentation - Call for participation
PhD students are invited to submit the abstract of their
presentations to be included in the workshop session of
the summer school. The selected and reviewed workshop
papers and the revised lectures will be published in
the post-conference LNCS Volume of the Summer School.
The deadline for registration and submissions is
1 June 2007.
Aims and Scopes:
The Central-European Functional Programming School (CEFP)
is an intensive summer school series in the field of functional
programming. The main goal is to bring together computer
scientists, researchers, graduate and especially PhD students.
The school would like to promote the research and the education
of the functional programming languages, software technologies
and programming methodologies.
The second CEFP school will be organized by the Babeş-Bolyai
University (Cluj-Napoca / Kolozsvár / Klausenburg) between
23-30 June, 2007. The previous school was held in Budapest,
Hungary, July, 2005 (LNCS 4164).
The invited lecturers are prominent researchers in the field,
and they will present state-of-the-art functional programming
techniques. Beside the lectures practical courses will be held.
The school includes a workshop for PhD students to present
their work and get feed-back from the lecturers.
Invited Lecturers:
Rinus Plasmeijer (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands):
iTasks: Defining Interactive Workflows for the Web
Werner Kluge (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel,
Germany): Abstract Lambda Calculus Machines
Marko van Eekelen (Radboud University Nijmegen, The
Netherlands): Proving Properties of Lazy Functional Programs
Tim Sheard (Portland State University, USA): The Omega
Programming Language
Ralf Hinze (Universität Bonn, Germany): Generic Programming, Now!
Three additional short courses will be given:
Zoltán Horváth (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary):
Refactoring Erlang Programs
Zoltán Csörnyei (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary):
Horia F. Pop (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania):
A Tutorial on Object Orientedness in Functional Programming
Submissions for the workshop session:
Each presentation can be of max. 25 minutes. The full paper
version can be submitted after the summer school for
post-conference reviewing.
Cluj-Napoca / Kolozsvár / Klausenburg, formerly the capital of
Transylvania, is one of the most beautiful medieval cities with
a huge multicultural and historical inheritance. Surrounded by
marvelous hills and mountains, the city provides fascinating
environment for experiencing the unique ambience of a
diversified culture, society and nature.
Registration and costs:
The registration fee (260 Euro) includes the course materials
distributed during the school, the post-school volume, lunches,
the excursion and the summer school banquet. For further
information, accommodation possibilities and registration
please visit the web-page of the event:
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