[clean-list] questions from a beginner
A.vanWeelden at cs.ru.nl
Mon Apr 30 12:10:38 MEST 2007
The 32 bit code generator transfers Reals between registers, which are
80 bits, and memory locations, which are 64 bits. Whenever Reals get
stored (unboxed on the B-stack or boxed on the A-stack/heap), they get
converted to 64 bit floating point numbers.
Calculations on Reals are performed by a mix of 80 bit precision
operations and 64 bit precision loads and stores. Often these conversion
to 64 bit precision are not generated because the machine has enough
registers to keep all intermediate results.
This means that calculations on Reals can yield different result
depending on the register spills of the code generator. Results can also
change because of gaining or losing strictness in your expressions,
because only a strict and unboxed Real can stay in a register.
64 bit Clean uses SSE2 and has no such precision/conversion issues.
kind regards,
lethevert wrote:
> Hello,
>>> *My first solution try:
>>> smallestRealv2 = until (\x = x/10.0 == 0.0 ) (\x = x/10.0) 1.0
>>> Start = smallestRealv2
>>> It prints: 0
>> This one I'm not sure about. Your solution seems correct, and when I try
>> your solution in Haskell I do get the last number in that list. Not sure
>> what's happening here.
> I found a strange behaviour of a related clean program.
> I wrote a test code below.
> =======================================================
> Start = let n1 = 9.88131291682493E-324 / 10.0
> n2 = 9.88131291682493E-324 / 10.0
> in (n1 <> 0.0, n2 <> 0.0, n2)
> =======================================================
> Apparently the variable n1 and n2 have exactly the same value,
> but it produces: (True, False, 0)
> I checked the intermediate abc code and find that
> the code for n1 is
> =======================================================
> pushR 10.0
> pushR 9.88131291682493E-324
> divR
> pushR 0.0
> ...
> eqR
> notB
> =======================================================
> and then I changed it to
> =======================================================
> pushR 10.0
> pushR 9.88131291682493E-324
> divR
> buildR_b 0
> pop_b 2
> pushR_a 0
> pop_a 1
> pushR 0.0
> ...
> eqR
> notB
> =======================================================
> and I got: (False, False, 0)
> It seams that the A-stack has some effect on a Real number value,
> but I have no further idea about it.
> I uses Clean 2.2 for Linux 32bit version.
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