[clean-list] a local function typing question in function
Edsko de Vries
devriese at cs.tcd.ie
Thu Apr 12 17:46:49 MEST 2007
> >Then when it checks the body of f ("y"), it must check that y has
> >type "a", where "a" is the type of the argument passed in (x). This
> >is indeed a different a, BUT "y" has type "a" *for every a*, so that
> >doesn't matter!
> This is the part that I do not understand. "y" has type "a, for every
> a" but it seems to me that this type is too general. I would have
> thought that "y" needs to have the exact same type as "x".
But it does! In this example, y has every type, and therefore it also
has the same type as x :) See example below.
> Indeed, if you look at the program as a whole, it doesn't make sense,
> because "undefined" could return anything, and thus the actual value
> that "y" gets could be anything. I would argue that this example
> actually shows up a problem in the Clean type system, because the
> caller of "f" wants a value back which is of the same type as the
> value passed in.
Actually, the point is that undefined won't return anything at all, and
therefore it is safe to assume it has every type.
> The only reason this "works" (and here I am using "works" very very
> loosely) is that the function "f" never terminates when called, so it
> is impossible to actually inspect the returned value. If "f" actually
> returned a value, then this would clearly be a bug.
No, not really. I am sorry that my use of "undefined" muddled the
waters. Here is a similar example that doesn't use undefined, and does
in fact return a value:
module t
f :: [a] -> [a]
f x = y
y :: [a]
y = []
Start = f [1,2,3]
The empty list [] has type "[a]" (list of a) for every a (the empty list is a
list of integers, a list of bools, etc.). Now exactly the same argument holds:
y has type [a] for every a. The signature of f says that the result must have
the type type as the input, but since y has type [a] for every a, that's not a
problem. This program is type-correct and runs (and returns []).
> Never-the-less, from a practical prospective, I have learned the
> following:
> The type variables used in inner type declarations are ALWAYS
> different from the type variables in outer type declarations.
> If I remember this rule, I think I can understand and avoid typing
> errors.
Yes, if you find yourself using a type variable in an inner function which you
have also used in an outer function, chances are you are trying to do something
that won't work.
> It would be helpful if the error message
> Type error [t.icl,6,y]:type variable of type of lifted argument a
> appears in the specified type
> could be changed to be a little bit more comprehensible.
I agree, but that's not up to me I'm afraid :)
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