[clean-list] ICTAC 2007: Final call for papers
Chris George
cwg at iist.unu.edu
Mon Apr 2 08:10:59 MEST 2007
Call for Papers
ICTAC 2007
4th International Colloquium on
Theoretical Aspects of Computing
26-28 September 2007, Macao SAR, China
Important Dates:
Paper submission: 20 April 2007,
Notification of acceptance: 1 June 2007,
Final copy for proceedings: 22 June 2007,
ICTAC 2007: 26-28 September 2007.
Associated Events:
- School on Domain Modelling and the Duration Calculus, 17-21
September 2007, Shanghai
- Festschrift Symposium dedicated to the 70th birthdays of
Dines Bjørner and Zhou Chaochen, 24-25 September 2007, Macao
- Workshops, 22-23 September, 2007, Macao
See Call for Workshop Proposals at conference URL!
ICTAC is an International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of
Computing founded by the International Institute for Software
Technology of the United Nations University (UNU-IIST). The aim of the
colloquium is to bring together practitioners and researchers from
academia, industry and government to present research results, and
exchange experience, ideas, and solutions for their problems in
theoretical aspects of computing. Beyond these scholarly goals,
another main purpose of the conference is to promote cooperation in
research and education between participants and their institutions,
from developing and industrial countries, as in the mandate of the
United Nations University. The previous three ICTAC events were held
in Guiyang, China (2004), Hanoi, Vietnam (2005), Tunis, Tunisia
The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:
- automata theory and formal languages
- principles and semantics of programming languages
- logics and their applications
- software architectures and their description languages
- software specification, refinement, and verification
- model checking and theorem proving
- formal techniques in software testing
- models of object and component systems
- coordination and feature interaction
- integration of formal and engineering methods
- service-oriented development
- models of concurrency, security, and mobility
- theory of parallel, distributed, and internet-based (grid) computing
- real-time, embedded and hybrid systems
- type and category theory in computer science
- case studies
- theories, tools and experiments of verified systems
- integration of theories of system development and their tool support
ICTAC 2007 will have a technical program for five days including a
two-day festschrift symposium dedicated to the 70th birthdays of
former UNU-IIST directors, Dines Bjørner and Zhou Chaochen, and three
days for a conference. There will also be a training school in the
preceding week on topics of Domain Modelling and the Duration
Calculus, to which Dines Bjørner and Zhou Chaochen have made
significant contribution.
Paper Submissions:
Submissions to the conference must not have been published or be
concurrently considered for publication elsewhere. All submissions
will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution to the field,
technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the
conference. Papers should be written in English and not exceed 15
pages in LNCS format (see
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for details).
Proceedings of the previous editions of ICTAC were published by
Springer in the LNCS series. We plan to do the same this year. Best
papers will be selected from the accepted papers and their authors
invited to submit an extended version of their work to a special issue
of Formal Aspects of Computing.
Submission Procedure:
Further information and instruction about submission can be found at
the conference website http://www.iist.unu.edu/ictac07.
General Chairs:
John Fitzgerald, Newcastle University, UK
George Michael Reed, UNU-IIST, Macao
Program Chairs:
Cliff Jones, Newcastle University, UK
Zhiming Liu, UNU-IIST, Macao
Jim Woodcock, University of York, UK
Organisation Chair:
Chris George, UNU-IIST, Macao
Workshop Chair:
Dang Van Hung, UNU-IIST, Macao
Publicity Chair:
Bernhard K. Aichernig, TU Graz, Austria
Sponsored by:
Formal Methods Europe
PC Members:
Mícheál mac an Airchinnigh, IE
Farhad.Arbab, NL
Kamel Barkaoui, FR
Jonathan P. Bowen, UK
Andrew Butterfield, IE
Ana Cavalcanti, UK
Antonio Cerone, MO
Jim Davies, UK
David Deharbe, BR
Jin Song Dong, SG
Lindsay Groves, NZ
Stefan Hallerstede, CH
Michael Hansen, DK
Ian Hayes, AU
Dang Van Hung, MO
Mathai Joseph, IN
Joseph Kiniry, IE
Peter Gorm Larsen,DK
Xuandong Li, CN
Shaoying Liu, JP
Ali Mili, US
Joe Morris, IE
Leonor Prensa Nieto, FR
Anders Ravn, DK
Augusto Sampaio, BR
Emil Sekerinski, CA
Natarajan Shankar, US
Ji Wang, CN
Naijun Zhan, CN
Invited Speakers:
Dines Bjørner, JAIST, Japan
Zhou Chaochen, Institute of Software, CAS, China
He Jifeng, East China Normal University, China
Zohar Manna, Stanford University, USA
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