[clean-list] GPCE'07: Calls for Tutorials/Workshops
Emir Pasalic
pasalic at cs.rice.edu
Wed Feb 7 22:23:03 MET 2007
Sixth International Conference on Generative Programming and
Component Engineering (GPCE'07)
October 1-3, 2007 in Salzburg, Austria
(co-located with ESWEEK'07).
Important Dates
* Submission deadline for tutorial proposals: Friday March 16th
* Date for notification of acceptance: Monday April 9th
Note that this call is for tutorial organizers; tutorial registration
is with the conference registration.
Proposals for high-quality tutorials in all areas of generative
programming and component-based development, from academic research to
industrial applications, are solicited. Tutorial levels may be
introductory, intermediate, or advanced.
A tutorial's purpose is to give a deeper insight into an area than a
conventional lecture. Tutorials extend over a half or a full day. This
gives the speaker the possibility to select a proper length for their
The topic of a tutorial can come from a truly broad spectrum. Any
interesting theme included but not restricted to the following topic
list is welcome:
* Generative programming
* Reuse, meta-programming, partial evaluation, multi-stage and
multi-level languages, step-wise refinement
* Semantics, type systems, symbolic computation, linking and
explicit substitution, in-lining and macros, templates, program
* Runtime code generation, compilation, active libraries, synthesis
from specifications, development methods, generation of non-code
artifacts, formal methods, reflection
* Generative techniques for
* Product lines and architectures
* Embedded systems
* Model-driven architecture
* Component-based software engineering
* Reuse, distributed platforms, distributed systems, evolution,
analysis and design patterns, development methods, formal methods
* Integration of generative and component-based approaches
* Domain engineering and domain analysis
* Domain-specific languages (DSLs) including visual and UML-based
* Separation of concerns
* Aspect-oriented programming and feature-oriented programming,
* Intentional programming and multi-dimensional separation of
* Industrial applications
However, you should keep in mind that a tutorial must be expected to
attract a reasonable number of participants. This is most likely the
case if the topic is new or relevant to a broad community. If you have
deep experience in a GPCE topic area, from which others could benefit,
please consider submitting a proposal.
Submission Format, Recommendations, and Process
For details on the submission format, recommendations for submissions,
and an overview of the submission process, please see the complete
GPCE'07 call for tutorial proposals at:
Follow the "Tutorials" link in the left sidebar.
Tutorial Chair
Ulrik P. Schultz (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
For additional information, clarification, or questions please feel
free to contact the Tutorial Chair at tutorials07 at gpce.org
Sixth International Conference on Generative Programming and
Component Engineering (GPCE'07)
October 1-3, 2007 in Salzburg, Austria
(co-located with ESWEEK'07).
Important Dates
* Submission deadline for workshop proposals: Friday March 16th
* Date for notification of acceptance: Monday April 9th
Note that this call is for workshop organizers; a later call will
occur for workshop contributions.
GPCE workshops provide intensive collaborative environments where
generative and component technology researchers and practitioners meet
to discuss and solve challenging problems facing the field.
We encourage proposals for innovative, well-focused workshops on a
broad spectrum of component engineering and generative programming
topics. All topics related to the theme of the conference are
potential candidates for workshops. Workshops typically fall into the
following categories:
* A workshop may address a specific sub-area of generative and
component technology in depth.
* A workshop may cover areas that cross the borders of several sub
areas. Workshops that cross the borders of the formal and the
applied areas is one example.
* A workshop may also cross the border to other technologies or
software engineering fields, e.g. development processes.
* A workshop may focus on the application and deployment of
generative and/or component technology in areas such as
telecommunications, mobile computing or real-time
systems. Workshops reporting on industrial experiences are
particularly welcome.
Workshop topics are by no means limited to the categories mentioned
above. However, in each case, the proposed area is supposed to have
enough impetus to yield new results that can be considered important
and worth more detailed investigation.
Submission Format, Recommendations, and Process
For details on the submission format, recommendations for submissions,
and an overview of the submission process, please see the complete
GPCE'07 call for workshop proposals at:
Follow the "Workshops" link in the left sidebar.
Workshop Chair
Ulrik P. Schultz (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
For additional information, clarification, or questions please feel
free to contact the Workshop Chair at workshops07 at gpce.org.
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