[clean-list] CfPart: MOMPES 2007
Ricardo J. Machado
rmac at dsi.uminho.pt
Thu Jan 25 09:54:25 MET 2007
4th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for
Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2007)
within the
European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of
Software (ETAPS 2007)
Braga - Portugal
Mar.31, 2007
* 09h00 - 09h15: Welcome and Opening Session
* 09h15 - 10h00: Invited Talk
o On the Applicability Scope of Model Driven Engineering,
by Jean Bézivin (INRIA & U Nantes, France)
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is frequently presented as an important
change in software development practices. However behind this new
trend, one may recognize a lot of different objectives and solutions.
The simple translation from a UML platform-independent model to a
Java-encoded platform specific application represents only a very
naïve initial use case. This paper studies the multiple facets of MDE
and its evolution in the recent period and concludes by emphasizing
its broad potential application spectrum. Among the various extended
possibilities, one may mention model driven reverse engineering,
stream-based and data-centric model based system organization, or
various usages of models at run-time. The presentation will propose a
basic conceptual framework facilitating the homogeneous and
comparative presentation of all these different solutions.
* 10h00 - 10h40: Session on Pervasive Systems
o Towards a Model-Driven Approach for Ontology-Based Context-Aware Application
Development: A Case Study,
by Nektarios Georgalas, Shumao Ou, Manooch Azmoodeh, Kun Yang (British
Telecom & U Essex, UK)
o Tool Support for Model Driven Development of Pervasive Systems,
by Carlos Cetina, Estefanía Serral, Javier Muñoz, Vicente Pelechano
(TU Valencia, Spain)
* 10h40 - 11h00: coffee break
* 11h00 - 11h40: Session on Modelling Approaches
o A Generic Execution Framework for Models of Computation,
by Cécile Hardebolle, Frédéric Boulanger, Dominique Marcadet, Guy
Vidal-Naquet (Supélec, France)
o XIS - UML Profile for eXtreme Modeling Interactive Systems,
by Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, João Saraiva, Rui Silva, Carlos Martins
(IST, Portugal)
* 11h40 - 12h20: Session on Formal Approaches
o Model-Driven Consistency Checking of Behavioural Specifications,
by Bas Graaf, Arie van Deursen (Delft UT & CWI, The Netherlands)
o Challenges when using Model Driven Architecture in the Development
of Safety Critical Software,
by Philippa Conmy, Richard F. Paige (U York, UK)
* 12h20 - 14h00: lunch
* 14h00 - 14h45: Invited Talk
o Executable Use Cases: a Supplement to Model-Driven Development?,
by Jens B. Jørgensen (U Aarhus, Denmark)
Executable Use Cases (EUCs) is a model-based approach to requirements
engineering. In the first part of this talk, we briefly discuss how
EUCs may be used as a supplement to Model-Driven Development (MDD).
Then we present the EUC approach in more detail. An EUC can describe
and link user-level requirements and more technical software
specifications. In MDD, user-level requirements are not always
explicitly described; it is sufficient for MDD that a specification,
or platform-independent model, of the software that we are going to
develop is provided. Therefore, a combination of EUCs and MDD may have
potential to cover the full software engineering path from user-level
requirements via specifications to implementations of running computer
* 14h45 - 15h25: Session on Software Product Lines
o Adopting Computational Independent Models for Derivation of
Architectural Requirements of Software Product Lines,
by Alexandre Bragança, Ricardo J. Machado (ISEP & U Minho, Portugal)
o Model-driven Development of Particle System Families,
by Michalis Anastasopoulos, András Balogh (Fraunhofer IESE, Germany &
Budapest U, Hungary)
* 15h25 - 15h45: coffee break
* 15h45 - 16h25: Session on Embedded Systems
o ModES: Embedded Systems Design Methodology and Tools based on MDE,
by Francisco Assis M. do Nascimento, Márcio F. S. Oliveira, Flávio
Rech Wagner (UFRGS, Brazil)
o Designing a Unified Process for Embedded Systems
by Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra, Alberto Rosti, Sara Bocchio
(U Milano & STMicroelectronics, Italy)
* 16h25 - 16h40: Closing Session
Cumprimentos / Regards
Ricardo J. Machado
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