[clean-list] FunctionType question
Jigang Sun
Jigang.Sun at student.paisley.ac.uk
Thu Jan 25 23:30:53 MET 2007
I am still confused about Type definition. Sometimes it means a list of Type Expression, sometimes it is Type Expression in Clean Documentation.
For example, on page 115 of the Clean Language Report version 2.1, Nov 2002,
Type Expression = TypeVariable // see A.7
| TypeCnstructorName
| (Type)
| PredefinedType
| PredefinedTypeConstructor
I think "(Type)" means "(Type Expression)".
on the same page, section A.5, Type is defined as only a list of Type Expresstion with attributes,
Type = {BrackType}+,
BrackType = [UniversalQuantVariables] [Strict] [UnqTypeAttrib] TypeExpression
which is applied to A.3.1 on page 112
FunctionType = [Type -> ] Type_Expression [ClassContext] [UnqTypeUnEqualities]
on page 43, section 4.6, ArrowType has syntax
ArrowType = (Type -> Type)
Example of an arrow type.
((a b -> c) [a] [b] -> [c])
being equivalent with:
((a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c])
>From the example given above ((a b -> c) [a] [b] -> [c]) being equivalent with ((a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]), there is a similarity/connection between FunctionType and ArrowType, can FunctionType be represented as ArrowType?
here ArrowType must begin with "(" and ended with ")".
In A.5.1 ArrowType is of PredefinedType, but its definition is not listed there.
I also think the second Type is different from the first one in "ArrowType = (Type -> Type)", I think ((a b -> c) [a] [b] -> [c] [a]) will be rejected by Clean compiler.
It is well known a function is a value, and has a type, it can be passed as a parameter, but its type FunctionType is not defined as a Type Expression.
on page 26,
FunctionType = Type -> Type [ClassContext] [UnqTypeUnEqualities]
Type = {BrackType}+
so left side and right side of arrow could be same, but" myFunc :: Int Int -> Int Int " is rejected by compiler, so FunctionType = Type -> Type Expression maybe correct.
"Type" appears many times in Clean grammar, so I need to make it clear.
I wish the documentation could be updated to reflect changes in new released version, and terminology is consistently used.
-----Original Message-----
From: Edsko de Vries <devriese at cs.tcd.ie>
To: Jigang Sun <Jigang.Sun at student.paisley.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 13:19:51 +0000
Subject: Re: [clean-list] FunctionType question
On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 12:44:37PM +0000, Jigang Sun wrote:
> I have a simple Start module
> module try
> sub :: Int Int -> Int Int
> sub x y = x 3
> Start = (sub) 12 23
The type you've given for sub means: I want two integers, and I'm going
to give you back an "Int Int". First of all, an "Int Int" isn't a type;
Int has kind "*", so "Int Int" isn't a well-formed type. "Type Type" is
a valid type expression only if the first type has kind "* -> *", for
example "List Int". That property of the language is however not context
free and can therefore not be enforced by the language grammar.
Secondly, in the definition of sub, you're applying "x" to "3", so that
would imply that "x" must be a function; so, a suitable type for sub might be
sub :: (Int -> Int) Int -> Int
That however does not match with your use of sub in the expression for
Start, where you are passing in two integers. I can only guess at your
intensions here, but perhaps you meant to return a tuple?
sub :: Int Int -> (Int, Int)
sub x y = (x, y)
Just to emphasize, many properties of the Clean language cannot be
enforced in the grammar, most notable type (and kind) safety. These
properties are checked _after_ the file has been parsed and been
accepted as conform the language grammar.
---original message:---
I have a simple Start module
module try
sub :: Int Int -> Int Int
sub x y = x 3
Start = (sub) 12 23
When I try to run it--
Parse error [try.icl,2;23,Type]: ordinary type variable expected
If I change it to--
module try
sub :: Int Int ->(Int Int)
sub x y =( x 3 )
Start = (sub) 12 23
When I tried to run it,
Parse error [try.icl,2;23,Type]: ordinary type variable expected
According to the following grammar, "Int Int" is correct Type syntax, "(Int Int)" is Type Expression syntax, hence a Type.
FunctionType = [Type -> ] Type [ClassContext] [UnqTypeUnEqualities]
Type = {BrackType}+
BrackType = [UniversalQuantVariables] [Strict] [UnqTypeAttrib] TypeExpression
Type Expression = TypeVariable // see A.7
| (Type)
| PredefinedType
PredefinedType = BasicType
| ListType
BasicType = Int
| Real
| Char
Many thanks.
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