[clean-list] CFP: SPAC 07 - Software Patterns: Addressing Challenges
eduardo segura
segura.eduardo at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 01:00:24 MET 2007
*The First IEEE International Workshop on
**Software Patterns: Addressing Challenges
**SPAC 2007
**Call for Papers*
*Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2007
(in conjunction with COMPSAC 2007)*
* *
http://conferences.computer.org/compsac/2007/ (COMPSAC 2007 Link)
http://conferences.computer.org/compsac/2007/workshops/SPAC (Workshop
http://www.vrlsoft.com/workshops/SPAC07 (WorkshopLink-3)*
As software increases in size and becomes more complex and costly, the need
for techniques to ease software development is likewise increasing. Over the
last decade, pattern community has evolved and received more interest in
both academia and industry. Developing software using patterns holds the
promise to reduce the cost and condensing the time of developing software
systems, while simultaneously maintaining the quality of these systems.
However, the potential of using patterns in developing systems is not fully
realized and we need to address many challenges. For example, developing
pattern repositories and catalogs, from which patterns can be retrieved and
reused, still forms a challenge to software engineering, knowledge
engineering and information systems communities. In addition, the need for
(semi-) automated approaches for patterns mining and integration poses
several open research questions to the software engineering community. Many
think these challenges and others preclude the realization of the benefit of
patterns as a reuse approach. This workshop aims at bringing together
researchers and practitioners who are interested in resolving research
challenges or who have practical experience with the different issues of
patterns reuse and integration to discuss and advance the state-of-the-art
and the state-of-the-practice in patterns reuse.
Patterns have emerged as a promising reuse technique for both improving the
quality and reducing the cost and time of software development. However,
there is an immense belief that patterns have not fulfilled the expectations
software developers wanted. Nevertheless, this belief does not rebuff the
fact that patterns, as a concept, have the potential to play a key role in
developing systems in the near future. This near future will never come
unless there are serious attempts from both developers and researchers to
investigate and provide creative solutions to current challenges that hinder
utilizing patterns in practice. Among these challenges, this workshop
focuses on investigating how to develop systems using patterns. We are sure
that this topic will attract many developers and researchers in the field to
participate in this workshop.
The workshop will address software patterns challenges and debate several
issues related to the following questions. We want researchers, framework
developers, and application developers to discuss and debate the following
questions related to:
*I. **Pattern Creation and Development*
a. Leaving experience claim on the side, can you show how to create
and develop patterns?
b. What are the bases of creating patterns?
c. Are there guidelines, methodologies, and/or processes for pattern
creations and developments?
d. Would you show an example or two?
*II. **Patterns Selection Process: *
a. How does one select analysis and design patterns to build any
b. What is the basis for selecting these patterns?
c. If someone would like to build a system from patterns, how does
she select patterns?
d. What kind of patterns should one select to build a system from
e. Is there a guideline for the selection process?
*III. **Patterns Composition*
a. How does one integrate the selected patterns to build any system?
or How does one compose any system from patterns?
b. What are the various claims related to patterns composition? Are
they true?
c. Are there guidelines or techniques for patterns composition? Would
you illustrate how to use them?
*IV. **System of Patterns and General Reuse*
a. What do we mean when we say "systems of patterns"?
b. Are the various claims related to building any system from
patterns reasonable?
c. How to develop pattern repositories and catalogs, from which
patterns can be retrieved and reused?
d. Are there automated approaches for patterns mining and
e. What other concepts will help build any system from patterns?
*V. **Impacts*
a. What is the impact of software stability on the above issues?
Check any of the following websites for all columns and accepted position
http://conferences.computer.org/compsac/2007/workshops/SPAC (Main Link)
Link 2)
www.vrlsoft.com/workshops/SPAC07 (Workshop Link 3 -- Under Construction)
Detailed instructions for electronic paper submission and review process can
be found at http://www.compsac.org/. People interested in participating in
the workshop are requested to submit a short position paper (*3-5 pages*) or
regular workshop paper (limited to *6 pages*, double spaced, including
figures) representing views and experiences relevant to the discussion
topic. The title page should include a maximum 150-word abstract, five
keywords, full mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, fax number,
and a designated contact author. Papers will be selected depending on the
originality, quality and relevance to the workshop. All submitted papers
will be evaluated according to its originality, significance, correctness,
presentation and relevance. Papers should be submitted electronically at:
Please follow the instructions given by the web page. Camera Ready
manuscripts must be submitted following IEEE conference proceedings style
and guidelines. We encourage authors to present novel ideas, critique of
existing work, and practical studies.
Each accepted paper must be presented in person by the author or one of the
authors. To foster lively discussions, each author is encouraged to present
open questions and one or two main statements that will be discussed at the
workshop. Submissions must be either MS-Word or RTF formats (please, DO NOT
compress files).
Depending on the number and spread of contributions, the scope may be
narrowed to ensure effective communication and information sharing. Accepted
position papers will be distributed to the participants before the workshop
and made generally available through the WWW and FTP. Accepted papers will
be published in the Workshop Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Computer Software
and Applications Conference (COMPSAC
At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register as a full
participant in the workshop to have the paper published in the COMPSAC 2007
Proceedings. The workshop selected best papers will be published in online
Journal of International Journal Of Patterns (IJOP) – *www.ijop.org*
Interested in participating in the workshop without submission are requested
to fill out the participation form and e-mail to the co-chair Haitham Hamza
<hshamza at gmail.com>, Eduardo Segura <esegura at vrlsoft.com>, or to the
workshop chair M.E. Fayad <m.fayad at sjsu.edu>.
Name and Affiliation:
Areas of interest:
Why would you like to participate?
Please note that registration is required in order to participate in the
workshop. An early registration discount is available. An overhead
projector and a flipchart will be available.
For more information please visit any of the following websites:
* *
http://conferences.computer.org/compsac/2007/workshops/SPAC (Main Link)
Link 2)
www.vrlsoft.com/workshops/SPAC07 (Workshop Link 3 -- Under Construction)
You may also contact the organizers.
1. Welcome and introduction of participants. The organizers will first give
a short overview of any open issues and of the main arguments arising out of
the position papers. (Estimated time: 20-30 minutes)
2. Selected authors (representing the main trends) will be given 20 minutes
to explain how their position relates to other positions and what each sees
as the three major issues. We expect about 5-10 position papers. (Estimated
time: 120-130 minutes)
3. The organizers will propose an identification of the major issues, and
the participants will then discuss and select what they think are the
hottest issues to be examined. (Estimated time: 10-15 minutes)
4. The participants will work for 70-95 minutes in small groups, with a
designated moderator in each group. The groups will each deal with two
different hot issues identified and will produce a summary in the form of
points and counterpoints, showing either how several views are irreducibly
opposed or how they are complementary.
The number of groups will depend on the number of participants and number of
issues selected; ideally there should be 3-5 p people in each group.
(Estimated time: 60-70 minutes)
5. Each group will be given 10-15 minutes to present its findings to the
workshop. A closing discussion will follow. The workshop report will be
written on the basis of these findings and will include an agenda for future
exploration and cooperation; it will
be made available through the WWW and FTP. (Estimated time: 50-60 minutes
for five teams)
(Total estimated time: 285-315 minutes, i.e. about five hours +/- 15
minutes; lunch and breaks are not included.)
We will be updated based on acceptance process
*Feb. 23, 2007*: Full paper and short paper due
*Mar. 25, 2007*: Decision notification (electronic)
*Apr. 30, 2007*: Camera-ready copy and author registration due
*July 24-27, 2007**:* The workshop Date
* *
*Chair and Point of Contact:*
*Dr.** M.E.** Fayad *
Professor of Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering Dept., College of Engineering
San José State University
One Washington Square, San José, CA 95192-0180
Ph: (408) 924-7364, Fax: (408) 924-4153
E-mail: m.fayad at sjsu.edu, mefayad at gmail.com <fayad at activeframeworks.com>
Dr. H.S. Hamza (Co-Chair)
Faculty of Computers and Informatics,
Information Technology Department
Cairo University, Orman, Giza 12613 - Egypt
Ph: (02) 335-8355 (office)
E-mail: hshamza at gmail.com
* *
Eduardo M. Segura
vrlSoft, Inc.
2065 Martin Ave., Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95050-2707
Phone/Fax: (408) 654-8972
E-mail: esegura at vrlsoft.com, eduardo.segura at sjsu.edu
*Leonor Barroca **Open University, England*
*Sjaak Brinkkemper Utrecht University, the Netherlands
*Chia-Chu Chiang University of Arkansas at Little Rock,
*Rogerio Atem de Carvalho CEFET Campos, Brazil*
*Andrea D'Ambrogio University of Roma TorVergata, Italy*
*Issam Wajih Damaj Dhofar University, Salalah - Sultanate of
Oman *
*Khalil DRIRA LAAS-CNRS, France* **
*Islam A. M. El-Maddah Ain Shams University, Egypt*
*M.E. Fayad San Jose State University & vrlSoft,
Inc., USA*
*Joao M. Fernandes Universidade do Minho, Portugal*
*IanGraham * *Trireme International Ltd,
London, England*
*Jiang Guo California State University Los
Angeles, USA*
*Wilhelm Hasselbring University of Oldenburg, Germany*
*Tarek Helmy King Fahd Univ. of Petroleum and
Minerals, Saudi Arabia*
*H.S. Hamza Cairo University, Egypt*
*Pilar Herrero Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
, Spain.*
*Hoda Hosny American University in Cairo, Egypt*
*Pao-Ann Hsiung National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi,
*Ali Jaoua University of Qatar,
*Mohamed-Khireddine KHOLLADI University of Constantine, France*
*Dae-Kyoo Kim Oakland University, MI, USA*
*Seok-Won Lee The University of North Carolina at
Charlotte, USA*
*Jeff Lei University of Texas at
Arlington, USA*
*Ricardo J. Machado Universidade do Minho, Portugal*
*Ahmed Mahdy Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi,
*Michael Oudshoorn ** Montana State University**, MT, USA*
*Srini Ramaswamy University of Arkansas at Little Rock,
*Gustavo Rossi LIFIA, Facultad de Informatica, UNLP,
*Stuart Rubin SPAWAR, SSC-San Diego, USA*
*Kannamma Sampath Coimbatore Institute of Technology, India*
*Sanchez, Arturo University of North Florida, USA*
*Kassem A. Saleh American University of Sharjah, UAE*
*Arno Schmidmeier AspectSoft, Hersbruck,
Germany *
*E.M. Segura San Jose State University & vrlSoft,
Inc., USA*
*Manolis Tzagarakis Research Academic Technology Institute
(RACTI), Greece*
*Laurence** T. Yang St Francis Xavier University, Canada*
*I-Ling Yen University of Texas at Dallas, USA*
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