[clean-list] Calculemus 2007: Second Call for Papers

Manuel Kauers mkauers at risc.uni-linz.ac.at
Thu Dec 21 11:02:57 MET 2006

[apologies for multiple postings]

Second Call for Papers

C A L C U L E M U S   2007

June 27--30, 2007
RISC Institute
Castle of Hagenberg, Austria


Calculemus is a series of conferences dedicated to the integration of
computer algebra systems (CAS) and automated deduction systems (ADS)
towards the development of universal mathematical assistant systems

Currently, symbolic computation is divided into several (more or less)
independent branches, traditional ones (e.g. computer algebra and
theorem proving) as well as newly emerging ones (on user interfaces,
knowledge management, theory exploration, etc.). The main concern of
the Calculemus community is to bring these developments together in
order to facilitate the theory, design, and implementation of
integrated MAS that will routinely be used by mathematicians, computer
scientists, and engineers in their every-day business.

For the upcoming Calculemus meeting, which will be held jointly with
MKM2007 in Hagenberg, Austria, we seek original research papers in
this context.

The scope of Calculemus covers all aspects of developing mathematical
assistant systems, in particular, the interplay of automated reasoning
and computer algebra. Potential areas of interest are: 

o) Automated reasoning in computer algebra
o) Computer algebra in automated reasoning
o) Interdisciplinary systems
o) Infrastructure for mathematical services
o) Theory exploration techniques
o) Theory, design, and implementation of MAS
o) Case studies and applications of MAS

Keynote Speakers
Thomas Hales, University of Pittsburgh
John Harrison, Intel Inc.
Peter Paule, RISC-Linz

Important Dates
February 12, 2007: Submission deadline
March 12, 2007: Notification of acceptance
March 26, 2007: Camera ready copies due
June 27--30, 2007: Calculemus 2007 in Hagenberg, Austria

Please submit your full paper of at most 12 pages prepared with the
standard LNCS class style as pdf or ps file via


on or before February 12, 2007. Detailed formating instructions can be
found on the Calculemus website.

Accepted papers will be published in the LNAI series of Springer.

Program Committee
Alessandro Armando (University of Genova, Italy)
Christoph Benzmueller (University of Cambridge, UK)
Olga Caprotti (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Jacques Carette (McMaster, Canada)
Timothy Daly (Carnegie Mellon, USA)
William M. Farmer (McMaster, Canada)
Keith O. Geddes (Waterloo, Canada)
Tom Hales (Pittsburgh, USA)
Hoon Hong (North Carolina State University, USA)
Deepak Kapur (New Mexico, USA)
Manuel Kauers (RISC-Linz, Austria; Program Co-Chair)
Laura Kovacs (RISC-Linz, Austria; Local Chair)
Petr Lisonek (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Roy McCasland (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Renauld Rioboo (Universtite Pierre et Marie Curie, France)
Volker Sorge (University of Birmingham, UK)
Klaus Sutner (Carnegie Mellon, USA)
Thomas Sturm (University of Passau, Germany)
Wolfgang Windsteiger (RISC-Linz, Austria; General Chair and Program Co-Chair)

The conference will be accompanied by several satellite workshops,
which are currently under negotiation. Watch out for up-to-date
information on our website.

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