[clean-list] CfP: MOMPES 2007, published by IEEE CS Press
Ricardo J. Machado
rmac at dsi.uminho.pt
Tue Sep 19 11:24:58 MEST 2006
4th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for
Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2006)
within the
7th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
(ETAPS 2007)
Braga - Portugal
March 31, 2007
Model Based Development (MBD) comprises approaches to software
development, which heavily rely on modelling and the systematic
transition from models to executable code. One of these approaches
is the OMGís Model Driven Architecture (MDA), which is based on
the separation between the specification of a system and its
implementation using specific platforms.
This workshop focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects
related with the adoption of MDA and other MBD methodologies
(notation, process, methods, and tools) for supporting the
construction of computer-based systems, and more specifically,
pervasive and embedded software.
Suggested areas of interest in the workshop include, but are not
restricted to:
Suggested areas of interest in the workshop include, but are not
restricted to:
- Specification of Platform Independent Models (PIMs) and Platform
Specific Models (PSMs)
- PIM to PSM transformations
- MBD process for embedded and pervasive software
- Automatic code generation in MBD
- Testing and validation in MBD
- Tools for MBD of embedded and pervasive software
- Model-based development of hardware and software systems
- Model-based architectures
- Meta-Models for MBD
- System evolution and maintenance
- Precise semantics and consistency checks in MBD
- Integration of feature modelling
- Case studies on the application of MBD
- Models and techniques to enhance the security of embedded and
pervasive software
The official language is English.
Authors are requested to submit a PDF version of their papers in
IEEE 8.5"x11" Two-Column format (see "Information for Authors" tab at
Papers should not exceed 10 pages, including figures, references,
and appendices.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 3 PC members.
Authors of accepted papers must sign the IEEE copyright form.
Full papers exceeding 10 pages will be charged for pages in excess.
At least one author of each accepted submission must register
and present the paper at the workshop.
The proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.
Position papers will be published online.
For details about the paper submission process, please consult the
workshop website.
Important Dates:
- Submission of full papers: 23.Oct.2006
- Notification of acceptance: 27.Nov.2006
- Camera-ready paper version: 29.Dec.2006
- Workshop at ETAPS 2007: 31.Mar.2007
Organizing Committee:
- Jo„o M. Fernandes U Minho (PT)
- Ricardo J. Machado U Minho (PT)
- Siobhan Clarke Trinity CD (IE)
- Ridha Khedri McMaster U (CA)
Programme Committee:
- Jean BÈzivin U Nantes (FR)
- Siobhan Clarke Trinity CD (IE)
- Jˆrg Desel KU Eichs.-Ingolstadt (DE)
- Dov Dori Technion (IL)
- Jo„o M. Fernandes U Minho (PT)
- Robert B. France Colorado SU (US)
- AntÙnio A. Frˆhlich UF Santa Catarina (BR)
- Lidia Fuentes U Malaga (ES)
- Hassan Gomaa George Mason U (US)
- LuÌs Gomes UN Lisboa (PT)
- David Harel Weizmann I (IL)
- Mike Hinchey NASA (US)
- Jens B. Jorgensen U Aarhus (DK)
- Ridha Khedri McMaster U (CA)
- Pericles Loucopoulos UMIST (UK)
- Ricardo J. Machado U Minho (PT)
- Dirk Muthig IESE (DE)
- Franz Rammig U Paderborn (DE)
- Bran Selic IBM Rational Software (CA)
- Jo„o P. Sousa CMU (US)
- Dragos Truscan TUCS (FI)
- Arie van Deursen CWI (NL)
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