[clean-list] htoclean sorrows

Matthew Bromberg mattcbro at earthlink.net
Tue May 30 19:26:10 MEST 2006

For anyone else that needs to go down the MS linker path I thought I'd 
provide a trivial example of a .bat file
that sets the command line environment for microsofts compiler tools 
prior to launching the clean IDE.

REM This is Clean.bat
call "%VCToolkitInstallDir%\vcvars32.bat"
REM call "D:\Apps\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\vcvars32.bat"
REM change directories to the location of the Clean IDE
cd "D:\Apps\Clean 2.1.1\"

John van Groningen wrote:
> The linker is trying to link against the C library. You probably don't
> want to do this, try passing /NODEFAULTLIB to the linker to prevent this.
> Or if you want to link against the C library, remove _startup0.0 from
> the list of object files, and add a main function in c with a call
> to clean_main().

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