[clean-list] link error

Dieter =?iso-8859-1?q?B=FCttner?= judisun@t-online.de
Thu, 19 Feb 2004 15:22:04 +0100

Hello all,

I hope, someone can help me:

I downloaded the Clean-Version 2.1 for Linux, unzipped and unpacked it and 
started make. Thereby I got two kind of warnings (with subwarnings):
"[_SystemStrictLists,]: not all derived strictness information is exported"
"[StdOverloadedList,]: not all derived strictness information is exported"

Is this ok?

Then I wrote a hello-world program hello_world.icl :

module hello_world

import StdEnv

Start :: String
Start = "Hello World!"

and started clm hello_world, but got the link error:
"undefined reference to 'e-system-dind' "

Why? What wnt wrong and what should I do?

By the way, does someone know hot to install the man-page for the compiler?

Thank you in advance