[clean-list] Re: Strict lists kill me...
Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Mon, 01 Dec 2003 14:01:29 +0100
More on it...
Reminder: I sent a triple-version program which generates
a co-recursive stream - a sampled sinusoid. This needed
lazy lists. With normal lists it works, with head-strict
[!Real] lists it produces rubbish, with unboxed [#Real]
it finds a spine black-hole...
So I tested another example.
prefx :: [#Real]
prefx =: ... some filling, e.g. random numbers. No problemo Baby
strm =: prefx ++| z
where z = 0.5 *> (strm + Tl strm)
This time it works without complaining. So, scratching my head
I replaced
oscilu =: (z,v,r) where
z =: [# 0.0 : v]
v =: [# sin 0.01 : r]
r =: (2.0*cos 0.01)*>v - z
which generated the spine loop error message, by:
oscilu =: (z,v,r) where
z =: [# 0.0] ++| v
v =: [# sin 0.01] ++| r
r =: (2.0*cos 0.01)*>v - z
i.e., I did thing which I tell my students *never to do*.
And miracle happened, it works.
So, it seems that the pattern [# x : l] does something awful.
But what, and who is to blame?
Jerzy Karczmarczuk