[clean-list] questions

Brian Rogoff bpr@artisan.com
Thu, 20 Nov 2003 09:59:14 -0800

> > There's nothing better than regexps for string handling
> Until you found out about combinator parsing (type this in in Google or
> CiteSeer). I have a library based on Koopman's and Rojemo's work
> (continuation passing style), extended with elaborated error messages.

I agree that combinator parsing can be a lot nicer, and that regexps have
lots of nasty features, but they're so popular as a string manipulation
tool that I consider it a deficiency of the libraries that there is no 
Perl-like (yuck, I said it :) regexp library for Clean. 

In either case (regexps or combinators), I think it would be a good idea to 
provide a substring based interface, a-la Hansen or the SML Basis library. 
These provide a natural way for an FPL to do string processing. Here are 
some refs 


-- Brian