[clean-list] .NET Clean compiler?
Fergus Henderson
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 03:03:14 +1100
On 17-Nov-2002, Corrin Lakeland <lakeland@cs.otago.ac.nz> wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Nov 2002 11:59, NY wrote:
> > Have you considered writing a .NET Clean compiler?
> > That would propably solve alot of the Foreign Language Interfacing issues.
> Of course, it would be useless to all the macintosh, linux and solaris users
> of Clean.
There are .NET CLR implementations for Mac OS X and Linux now
(and probably for Solaris too, although I'm not sure of that).
Fergus Henderson <fjh@cs.mu.oz.au> | "I have always known that the pursuit
The University of Melbourne | of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh> | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.