[clean-list] strong root normal form
Fabien Todescato
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 12:28:43 +0200
I agree, I did observe the same phenomenon.
Fabien Todescato
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De: Jerzy Karczmarczuk [SMTP:karczma@info.unicaen.fr]
> Date: jeudi 10 octobre 2002 10:48
> Cc: clean-list@cs.kun.nl
> Objet: Re: [clean-list] strong root normal form
> F.S.A.Zuurbier wrote:
> > When I change a let to a strict let, I think I am saying to Clean:
> > DO it! Actually reduce this! Really! Go on, don't hesitate!
> >
> > But then there are still cases where the beast does not seem to do
> anything.
> > I guess because the result was not needed in the function's output. But
> > then, what was the strict let for, as opposed to the 'lazy' let?
> I had such a behaviour as well, but it was discovered only trying to trace
> the execution (by hand). I deduced that if the answer is never used, then
> strictness or not strictness, the generation/reduction becomes a dead code
> anyway, so I cannot protest that it has been optimized away. Is there
> something wrong with this reasoning?
> Jerzy Karczmarczuk
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