[clean-list] Haskell->Clean
Jeremy Shaw
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 17:44:09 -0700
Just Curious:
It seems like a major obsticle towards wider adoption of Clean is its
lack of libraries. I was wonder if there might be an 'easy' way to
reuse some of the haskell libraries under Clean.
I can think of two ways to do this:
(1) Use binaries libraries compiled by a Haskell compiler
(2) Write a Haskell->Clean translator
It seems like (2) would be a better choice all around. (Faster
compiled code, you don't need haskell installed, and you get Clean
source which you can extend, to name a few reasons).
It seems like a Haskell to Clean translator would be fairly straight
foward since they are so similar, and Clean appears to be a super-set
of Haskell.
Or maybe it seems that I am crazy...
Jeremy Shaw.
ps. I find it difficult to believe I am the first to think of this,
but I did not see any existing threads on the subject.