[clean-list] Speed of native code
Geoffrey G Plitt
Fri, 5 Jul 2002 12:14:27 -0400 (EDT)
that is encouraging. has anybody actually posted benchmark results
comparing clean to ocaml and c (like
http://www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout/ which does do ocaml but not clean)?
also, is clean ever going to get exceptions? that's the one thing keeping
me from using it, is there's no non-local control mechanism.
On Thu, 4 Jul 2002, Antonio Costa Pereira wrote:
> I use both languages (OCAML and Clean) a lot. I also have
> many instances of implementing the same algorithm in
> OCAML and Clean. In most cases, Clean is faster than
> OCAML. You should not compare the result of optimizers
> written in OCAML with Clean. For instance,
> the FFTW program is an optimizer, that generates C.
> The result is fast, even if you use OCAML bytecode compiler,
> that is very slow, since the output of the program is an optimized
> and specialized C program.
> In anycase, you can compare a small program
> written in Clean and OCAML, say, an implementation of the
> Simplex algorithm. You will see that Clean is faster
> in most cases.
> Eduardo Costa
> Jan Brosius wrote:
> > Hello, Iwanted to hear if some benchmarks have been done with
> > Clean.The most serious contender in is I think Ocamel. Itmseems that
> > Ocamel compile to fast native code , much faster than e.g. Haskell.So,
> > what about Clean? Cheers Jan