[clean-list] Monad Type Classes and Uniqueness Typing
Fabien Todescato
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 15:31:12 +0200
Ha, thanks Arjen for these enlightening remarks. Let me please add a few
comments more :
I wonder if your monads can return values with a unique type. But
perhaps you don't use unique objects when programming in a monadic
style, so this may not be important. I needed the attributed type,
shows the type checker that the bind doesn't perform sharing,
because I
wanted to partially apply threads (monads) to unqiue objects which
result in closures that may not be shared.
True, I didn't even consider using monads returning unique values. I am
specifically interested in state monads threading a unique state in the
background, while conforming to a general monadic framework with overloaded
monadic operators.
Your monad doesn't need to be unique to contain a (non-unqiue)
that works on a unique state.
This remark does certainly make sense on a general ground, but I had to work
a little to find a suitable definition for such a unique state threading
monad :).
Personally, I use a scheduler with a queue of continuations/threads.
These continuations are composed using a bind that performs its left
argument on the unique state (World), suspends its right argument
tail of the continuation/thread) in the scheduler queue and returns
state yielded by the left argument. Then the scheduler selects a new
continuation to evaluate and so on. This leads to a system with
cooperative threads that are interleaved at their binds, taking
turns at
updating the unique state.
Wow ! This sounds extremely interesting ! If I understand you well you use a
state monad to thread in the background your queue of pending continuations,
and perform at each bind a round-roubin turn. You give me glimpses of
wonders :)
Sincerely yours, Fabien
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De: Arjen van Weelden [SMTP:arjenw@cs.kun.nl]
> Date: vendredi 28 juin 2002 14:07
> À: Clean mailing list (Adresse de messagerie)
> Objet: Re: [clean-list] Monad Type Classes and Uniqueness Typing
> Hello Fabien,
> Fabien Todescato wrote:
> >Thank you Arjen for your most welcome comments.
> >
> >As you honestly point out, your approach may prove to be a little too
> >restrictive for my purposes, namely to have a monadic programming
> framework
> >with overloaded monadic operators. Whereas you come up with bind :: u:(m
> .a)
> >v:(.a -> u:(m .b)) -> u:(m .b), [v <= u], I have class (mBind) infixl 4 m
> ::
> >( m a ) ( a -> ( m b ) ) -> m b, which - as I understand the type system
> -
> >is applicable to a larger class of monads. From this I hope to build a
> >monadic programming library where stateful computations with unique state
> >are integrated in a uniform manner.
> >
> >
> I wonder if your monads can return values with a unique type. But
> perhaps you don't use unique objects when programming in a monadic
> style, so this may not be important. I needed the attributed type, that
> shows the type checker that the bind doesn't perform sharing, because I
> wanted to partially apply threads (monads) to unqiue objects which
> result in closures that may not be shared.
> >Honestly, I am still surprised that the mBind combinator without
> uniqueness
> >typing constraints can be overloaded for a state-transformer monad
> handling
> >unique states. Unless I build myself a formal proof that indeed such is
> the
> >case, I will still suspect a bug in the Clean 2.0 typechecker :)
> >
> >
> Your monad doesn't need to be unique to contain a (non-unqiue) function
> that works on a unique state.
> >Now, please, in order to enlighten me about the use of continuations for
> >concurrent thread implementation, I would be very glad if you could
> provide
> >me with some pointers to papers :) I am at the moment reading the
> beautiful
> >thesis by Magnus Carlsson and Thomas Hallgren "Fudgets - Purely
> Functional
> >Processes with Applications to Graphical User Interfaces" where the use
> of
> >continuations seems to be an essential ingredient.
> >
> >
> I can only find some older papers that use catch and call/cc (at least
> one by M. Wand).
> Personally, I use a scheduler with a queue of continuations/threads.
> These continuations are composed using a bind that performs its left
> argument on the unique state (World), suspends its right argument (the
> tail of the continuation/thread) in the scheduler queue and returns the
> state yielded by the left argument. Then the scheduler selects a new
> continuation to evaluate and so on. This leads to a system with
> cooperative threads that are interleaved at their binds, taking turns at
> updating the unique state.
> kind regards,
> Arjen van Weelden
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