[clean-list] TIP'02: Call for Participation
Peter Thiemann
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 13:57:01 +0200
[ATTENTION: date changed!]
Call for Participation
Workshop on Types in Programming (TIP'02)
Dagstuhl, Germany, July 8, 2002
Colocated with MPC'02
Modern programming languages rely on type systems with static type
checking to detect common errors at compile time. While the benefits
of statically checked type systems have long been recognized, there
are some areas where the type systems of modern programming languages
are not expressive enough. Some interesting programs will always be
rejected, despite their semantical soundness.
There are several remedies to this situation, ranging from dependent
types (where types may contain values) through intersection types to
types with modalities. These systems are well-investigated from a
theoretical point of view by logicians and type theorists. However,
the impact of these developments on practical programming has been
small, partly because they are trading simplicity against
The objective of the workshop is to make researchers in programming
languages aware of new developments and research directions on the
theory side while at the same time pointing out problems arising in
practical uses to theorists. Technical topics include, but are not
limited to:
* Type systems in all variants: polymorphic, dependent, intersection,
modal, linear.
* Annotated type systems.
* Low-level type systems.
* Advanced uses and applications.
Workshop Program:
Monday, July 8, 2002
10:40 Welcome
10:45 Regular Expression Types for Strings in a Text Processing Language,
Naoshi Tabuchi, Eijiro Sumii, and Akinori Yonezawa (University
of Tokyo, Japan)
11:15 Syntactic Type Soundness for HM(X),
Francois Pottier (INRIA Rocquencourt, France).
Christian Skalka (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
11:45 Set Types and Applications,
Christian Skalka and Scott Smith (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
12:15 Lunch
14:00 Break [Tour de France]
16:00 Rank 2 Types for Term Graph Rewriting,
Steffen van Bakel (Imperial College, UK)
16:30 Using kinds to type partially-polymorphic methods,
Daniel Bonniot (INRIA, France)
17:00 The Impact of Linearity Information on the Performance of TyCO,
Francisco Martins (University of Azores, Portugal).
Luis Lopes (University of Porto, Portugal).
Vasco T. Vasconcelos (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
17:30 Compatibility Checking with Typed Autonomous Agents,
Michael Zapf (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Germany)
18:00 Dinner
Program Committee:
Gilles Barthe, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France [co-chair]
Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University, Japan
Eugenio Moggi, University of Genova, Italy
Zhong Shao, Yale University, USA
Peter Thiemann, Universität Freiburg, Germany [co-chair]
Joe Wells, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland