[clean-list] CfP First International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing (SPC2003)
Dieter Hutter
Mon, 03 Jun 2002 10:26:55 +0200
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Call for Papers
First International Conference on
Security in Pervasive Computing (SPC-2003)
March 12 - 14, 2003
in Boppard, Germany
The ongoing compression of computing facilities into small and
mobile devices like handhelds, portables or even wearable computers
will enhance an ubiquitous information processing. The basic para-
digm of such a pervasive computing is the combination of strongly
decentralized and distributed computing with the help of diversified
devices allowing for spontaneous connectivity via the internet.
Computers will become invisible to the users awareness and exchange
of information between devices will effectively defy users control.
Assuming a broad usage of more powerful tools and more effective
ways to use them the quality of every day life will be strongly
influenced by the dependability of the new technology. Information
stored, processed, and transmitted be the various devices is one of
the most critical resources. Threats exploiting vulnerabilities of
new kinds of user interfaces, displays, operating systems, networks,
and wireless communications will cause new risks of loosing
confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Can these risks be
reduced by countermeasures to an acceptable level or do we have to
redefine political and social demands as it is expressed by the
Gartner Group from a privacy perspective:
By 2010, driven by the improving capabilities of data analysis ...
privacy will become a meaningless concept in Western societies.
Topics of Interest:
The objective of this conference is to develop new security concepts
for complex application scenarios based on systems like handhelds,
phones, smartcards, and smart labels hand in hand with the emerg-
ing technology of ubiquitous and pervasive computing. Particular
subjects are methods and technology concerning the identification
of risks, the definition of security policies, and the development
of security measures that are related to the specific aspects of
ubiquitous and pervasive computing like mobility, communication,
and secure hardware/software platforms.
We welcome the submission of papers from the full spectrum of issues
associated with security in pervasive computing. Submissions should
describe completed work including descriptions of research, tools,
and applications and should not exceed 15 pages in LNCS-style.
Papers should be in postscript or pdf format, (lncs-style).
Please submit papers by e-mail to
Upon submission, name, address, and e-mail of the contact author
should be included in the e-mail.
Conference Schedule:
In consideration of the novel character of the conference theme it
is planned to have three kinds of events:
- invited talks that give an introduction into security related
aspects of pervasive computing,
- sessions for the presentation of technical papers, and
- working groups that focus on particular problems areas.
The results of the working groups will be presented and discussed
in panel sessions. The final results will be published together with
the technical papers in the Lecture Notes Series on Computer Science
It will be held at an old former monastery in Boppard, Germany.
Boppard is a nice small town located in the rhine valley about one hour
away from Frankfurt airport.
The conference will be organised jointly by
- German Information Security Agency (BSI)
- German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
- Institute for Telematics, University of Freiburg.
Program Committee
Michael Beigl (University of Karlsruhe)
Joshua Guttman (MITRE)
Dieter Hutter (DFKI) (co-organiser)
Paul Karger (IBM Watson Research)
Friedemann Mattern (ETH Zurich)
Catherine Meadows (Naval Research Lab)
Guenter Mueller (University of Freiburg) (co-organiser)
Joachim Posegga (SAP)
Kai Rannenberg (University of Frankfurt)
Kurt Rothermel (University of Stuttgart)
Ryoichi Sasaki (Tokyo Denki University)
Frank Stajano (University of Cambridge)
Werner Stephan (DFKI) (co-organiser)
Moriyasu Takashi (Hitachi Ltd)
Seiji Tomita (NTT Information Platform Laboratories)
Markus Ullmann (BSI) (co-organiser)
Important Dates:
- Submission of papers: October 31, 2002
- Notification of acceptance/rejection: December 31, 2002
- Camera ready final version of papers: January 31, 2003