[clean-list] SoSyM - New Intl. Journal on Software & System Modeling
Bernhard Rumpe
Sun, 12 May 2002 00:56:45 +0200
* New International Journal
* Software and System Modeling (SoSyM)
The new quarterly Springer journal titled
Software and System Modeling (SoSyM)
will be launched in Fall of 2002.
Information about the journal and a call for papers can be found
on the website: http://www.sosym.org
SoSyM is a quarterly international journal that focuses on theoretical
and practical issues pertaining to the development and
application of software and system modeling languages and techniques.
The aim of the journal is to publish high-quality works that further
understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of modeling languages and
techniques, present rigorous analyses of modeling experiences, and present
scalable modeling techniques and processes that facilitate high-quality
and economical development of software.
We invite authors to submit papers that discuss and analyze concerns
and experiences pertaining to software and system modeling languages,
techniques, tools, practices and other facets. The following are
some of the topic areas that are of interest:
Methodological issues
Development of modeling standards
Formal syntax and semantics of modeling languages such as the UML
Rigorous model-based analysis
Model-based testing techniques
Model composition and transformation
Metamodeling techniques
Measuring quality of models
Generating test and code artifacts from models
Case studies and experience reports with significant lessons learned
Comparative analyses of modeling languages and techniques
Scientific assessment of modeling practices
The submission process is continuously open. Details can be found at:
You may subscribe to our regular announcements (e.g. about new issues)
by sending an email to
Robert France
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
E-mail: france@cs.colostate.edu
Bernhard Rumpe
Munich University of Technology
Munich, Germany
E-mail: rumpe@in.tum.de
Editorial Board:
Scott W. Ambler (Canada)
Egidio Astesiano (Italy)
Jean Bézivin (France)
James M. Bieman (USA)
Grady Booch (USA)
Lionel Briand (Canada)
Ed Brinksma (Netherlands)
Manfred Broy (Germany)
Jean-Michel Bruel (France)
Jaelson F.B. Castro (Brazil)
Betty H.C. Cheng (USA)
Tony Clark (UK)
Steve Cook (UK)
Desmond D´Souza (USA)
Gregor Engels (Germany)
Andy Evans (UK)
David Garlan (USA)
Martin Gogolla (Germany)
David Harel (Israel)
Constance L. Heitmeyer (USA)
Brian Henderson-Sellers (Australia)
Heinrich Hussmann (Germany)
Michael Jackson (UK)
Ivar Jacobson (USA)
Jean-Marc Jezequel (France)
Stuart Kent (UK)
Cris Kobryn (USA)
Ingolf Krüger (USA)
Kevin Lano (UK)
Gary T. Leavens (USA)
Pierre-Alain Muller (France)
A. Jefferson Offutt (USA)
Wolfgang Reisig (Germany)
August-Wilhelm Scheer (Germany)
Bran V. Selic (Canada)
Perdita Stevens (UK)
Jos Warmer (Netherlands)
Roel W. Wieringa (Netherlands)
Alan Cameron Wills (UK)
Jim Woodcock (UK)
PS: We apologize if you received this email more than once.