[clean-list] isLower isUpper
Marco Kesseler
Wed, 8 May 2002 10:47:57 +0200
From: "Richard A. O'Keefe" <ok@cs.otago.ac.nz>
> "Marco Kesseler" <m.kesseler@aia-itp.com> wrote:
> The question is of course, what codepage Char is in.
> There is no portable way to classify =E4, =E9,=EE, =E7 and =F1
> without knowing what codepage one is dealing with.
> If the Clean system has any C code in it, there _is_ a portable way.
> setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
> is supposed to tell the functions in <ctype.h> to use the "native" locale,
> however that is defined on the host machine.
> Of course this assumes an environment where all the files are in the same
> character set, which, though not always true, is at least better than
> that everything is in ASCII.
This would mean that the same application behaves differently on different
systems. Not very portable. I think that it is better to _define_ that the
Char type is plain ASCII (or at least as far as classifications are
concerned). Assuming a certain character set will always lead to trouble
sooner or later Whether you assume it is ASCII, the 'local' codepage, or
something else.
(Originally, ä, é,î, ç and ñ were present in the e-mail message, now they
have become =E4, =E9,=EE, =E7 and =F1, which is exactly the kind of trouble
you will get).
> Hence the need for Unicode.
> Unfortunately, that does not solve the problem. The problem is existing
> data without any ISO 2022 "announcer" sequence to tell you which
> character set is used. Without that information, you can't translate the
> data to Unicode, so Unicode doesn't help.
Existing single-byte data without any codepage information will always be a
problem in this respect. Support for Unicode does not solve that problem
(nothing can), but it does allow you to start using non-ascii characters and
classify them in a portable way without worry.
> Thanks to all the free tables at www.unicode.org, it's quite easy to
> classify characters portably, once you know which character set to use.
Once you know, yes. But that is exactly the point. A plain 8-bit Char type
does not - and cannot - carry this information, and that is what it makes it
What one could do, is define a datatype that does specify the codepage (for
lists of single-byte characters, or even single single-byte characters), and
write classification/conversion routines based on the tables you mentioned.
Or, one could assume a codepage and do the same, but I do not think it would
be wise to turn that into standard functionality,
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