[clean-list] Question again
Serguey Zefirov
Sun, 5 May 2002 21:08:41 +0400
Hello clean-list,
module sambomain
import StdEnv
import StdIO
Start :: *World -> *World
Start world =
startIO NDI Void init [] world
init progstate
# (error,progstate) = openDialog Void maindialog progstate
| error <> NoError = closeProcess progstate
| otherwise = progstate
maindialog = Dialog "Hello, мир!"
( TextControl "Привет world!" [] )
[ WindowClose (noLS closeProcess) ]
This is slightly modified version of Hello world dialog program from
tutorial. I've used Russian symbols both in dialog title (Hello, мир!)
and in text control string (Привет world!). This compiled and run ok,
except for dialog window title looks "Hello, ___" while text control
displays correct text "Привет world!".
What should I do to overcome it?
Best regards,
thesz na mail tochka ru
(na == at, tochka == dot)