[clean-list] CfP FME-2002 Workshop on Evolutionary Formal Software Development
Dieter Hutter
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:43:36 +0200
Second Call for Papers
FME02 Workshop on
21.7.2002, Kopenhagen, Denmark
In the last decade formal methods have been successfully applied to
case studies of industrial scale to ensure safety and security
properties. To become practical in an industrial software development
process, formal methods must be able to cope with changes or
refinements of existing formal developments. Although a variety of
methods address this need for traditional software engineering,
techniques suitable for formal methods face different challenges. For
example, existing proofs should be be reused wherever possible, and
any technique has to be based on a formal semantics, the cornerstone
of formal methods.
In this workshop we will explore new techniques and general
methodologies for supporting evolutionary formal development.
This includes for example approaches which allow for:
- a formal software development as a sequence of formal
developments increasing in complexity, reusing most of the proofs
done in previous developments;
- the change of formalisms to optimize the proof support within a
particular intermediate formal development (for instance, to specify
a system using hybrid systems but to refine it within a deductive
approach, or the use of abstraction techniques combined with
refinement to enable the use of decision procedures);
- the support for evolutionary development based on formalisms
supporting specification and refinement of different views of system
requirements (e.g.\ similar to UML in semi-formal development).
Submission Details:
We welcome the submission of papers from the full spectrum of issues
associated with evolutionary formal software development, including
(but not restricted to):
- management of change in formal methods;
- transformation of structured developments;
- embedding and encoding of logics;
- formal aspects of program slicing;
- use of abstraction in evolutionary development.
To participate in the workshop researchers are invited to submit an
original research paper of up to 5000 words (approximately 8 pages
maximum) or a position paper (up to 2000 words, approximately 3 pages)
to the following e-mail address: hutter@dfki.de
Electronic submissions are mandatory. Acceptable formats are PDF and
PostScript. The proceedings of the workshop will be available at the
meeting as a technical report. If there is sufficient interest and
quality, the organizers will endeavour to publish the proceedings in
an electronical journal (e.g. ENTCS).
Important (revised) dates:
Submission deadline: 28.4.2002
Notification date: 20.5.2002
Camera-ready deadline: 10.6.2002
Dieter Hutter (DFKI GmbH, Saarbruecken, Germany)
David Basin (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Peter Lindsay (University of Queensland, Australia)
Christoph Lueth (University of Bremen, Germany)