[clean-list] A little clarfication on linking to LIBS
Sean Seefried
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 08:00:41 +1000
This, at some point in the future is going to have to be remedied. It
simply requires too much extra work, especially considering another problem
I had in which although I imported symbols from a specific DLL and this
worked at compile time, at compile time I got the message that the entry
points for the functions could not be found.
Looking forward to a day when Clean can link to static libraries.
----- Original Message -----
From: "kyra" <chrisal@online.ru>
To: "Sean Seefried" <seefried@itee.uq.edu.au>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: [clean-list] A little clarfication on linking to LIBS
> > I've been using this method as far as possible, but I have a problem.
> > Are there any DLLs that contain calls to "malloc", "time" and "ftime"?
> No, there are not such DLLs. For example, to use 'malloc' you MUST use the
> corresponding C runtime. So, I think, there are at least the following
> options:
> 1. Use _ONLY_ win32 api calls, such as GlobalAlloc, GetSystemTime and so
> 2. Put all C-runtime dependent code in your hand-made DLL, exporting
> functions you need in your Clean program. This is exactly the point of my
> first posting.
> Kyra