[clean-list] Research Opportunity: Refactoring Functional Programs (UKC)
Claus Reinke
Sun, 3 Mar 2002 01:14:01 -0000
Job opportunity for postdoc / graduate Research Associate in
Refactoring Functional Programs at University of Kent. Please bring
to the attention of suitable candidates / forward as appropriate.
----------------------------------------------- ad follows
Research Associate in Refactoring Functional Programs
Applications are invited for a three year Research Associate position
at the University of Kent at Canterbury, to work under the direction
of Professor Simon Thompson and Dr Claus Reinke on an EPSRC
funded project entitled "Refactoring Functional Programs".
Applications are welcomed from candidates with a doctorate or a
very good first degree; in the latter case a successful candidate will
have the opportunity of registering to study for a PhD.
Refactoring is the process of redesigning existing code without changing
its functionality. In our project we will explore refactoring for functional
programs and in particular we will construct a catalogue of functional
refactorings, and build a prototype tool in Haskell to support refactoring
of Haskell programs.
Applicants should be able to demonstrate strong experience of programming
in a functional programming language, preferably Haskell, and have good
communication skills.
The appointment will be made within the salary ranges of
£17,278-£26,229 p.a. on the Research IA scale. Please telephone
the Personnel Office for further particulars on 01227 827837 (24 hours)
or email: Personnel@ukc.ac.uk, quoting the reference number R02/24.
Text phone users please telephone 01227 823674. The closing date is
Friday 22 March 2002.
Informal enquires can be directed to either Simon or Claus:
{S.J.Thompson,C.Reinke}@ukc.ac.uk. More details of the project
and further particulars for the position can be found at:
Simon and Claus